Weep SMS Messages21 messages

''A punjabi women talking in english to a Docter About Sick Child
my Kaka is ill ek Week Da,
Na eat da,na Sleep da,
Bs Weep Da teh Cheekh da,
nl nak v leak da
I’ve learnd
I came alone and i’ve to go alone
I’ve learnd
People r with u only when they need u, not otherwise
I’ve learnd
Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation
I’ve learnd
A simple LIE of ur close one can break you more than anything
I’ve learnd
Its very hard to Weep alone when there is no shoulder to support U
I’ve learnd
Help people but not upto the point beyond ur dignity
I’ve learnd
Luv urself and love people but only if u can do it without expecting anything from them…
& I think I’ ve learnd a bit about life
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine.
ill help u out netime.
2 see u hurt 2 $ee u cry
.make$ me Weep & wanna die.
ill b right here til d end.co$ ur my love & my bestfriend.....
Across skies, the sun starts to limn
Waking up to a morning hymn
Roosters’ crow and sparrows tweet
In deep slumber, an alarm sweet

Strumming upon the leafy ground
SWeepers crafting a hip sound
Coffee poured and buckets filled
Streams gurgling, dreams fulfilled.

In the kitchen, vessels clang and fall
At a crescendo, milkman starts to call
Telephones ring, radio springs alive
Joggers pant, in harmony all dive.

As the band plays, starts all festivity
From stillness of night, a sudden levity
To awaken me, do thy make all the fuss
In pure merriment, I wake up thus

Fill my ears again, before I yawn
Haunt with visuals of a glorious Eon
From morning dew, a lesson reborn
Learn and listen to symphony at dawn
SmiLiNg Is NoT My ReAliTy,
ThIs Is HoW I PrEtEnD To Be,
By NiGhT I CrY MySeLf To SlEeP,
WiD My GoD FrOwNiNg At Me,
DrOwnInG In A FlOoD Of TeArS,
BuT TeArs Are My DeStInY,
My ViSiOn A BlUr As I FuLLFiLL,
AnD ThIs Is HoW I MeAnT To Be,
My LiFe UnWoRthY,
My SelF To KiLL,
ExIsTeNcE A ToRtUrE I MuSt EnDurE,
As U RegArDeD SuiCiDe As SiN,
I M NoT AgAiNsT U My HeArt Is PuRe,
FaTe Is MoCkInG WiTh An EviL GriN,
SuRrOuNDeD In A BlAcK NeSs So DeEp,
I WaLk,I SeE But SuRvIvE No MoRe,
I M DeAd InSiDe,
In DaRkNeSs Weep,
YoU KnoW I LoVe U,
LIkE EvEr BeFoRe,
FoRgIvE Me As In My GrAvE I LaY,
FrEe Me oF ThiS PaIn AnD LeT Me DiE,
I JuSt CaNT BaRe It AnY MoRe:''(
Good Night My Love!

As I am saying good night at the end of the day,
And you are not here, but many miles away,
My heart is so empty and so lonely inside,
As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide.

I close my eyes and try to go to sleep,
But with the sadness inside I begin to Weep.
Suddenly I remember what you once said to me,
Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be.

When distance tends to keep us apart,
Remember I still hold you near in my heart.
When the night together, can''t be ours,
Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars.

Remembering those words, I begin to smile,
And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles.
I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged,
But you are not there, no hug to exchange.
Shed no tear! O shed no tear!
The flower will bloom another year.
Weep no more! O Weep no more!
Young buds sleep in the root''s white core.
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine.
ill help u out netime.
2 see u hurt 2 see u cry.
makes me Weep & wanna die.
ill b right here til d end.
cos ur my love & my bestfriend
With every cut i make another feet i dig down deep,
bury me there with all the tears i Weep.
fill it with my sorrows & all the blood i''ve shed..
Go on hurt me,kill me..let death be my eternal bed !!
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine. ill help u out netime.2 see u hurt 2 see u cry. makes me Weep & wanna die. ill b right here til d end. cuz ur my love & my best friend.

3 O''clock In The Night I Was Weeping
And You Thought That I Was Sleeping

You Saw Blood Pouring Out Of My Hand
And You Thought It Might Have Been Some Accident

You Saw Me Nearby Wherever You Went
And You Thought It Was Just Co-Incidence

Day And Night You Ruled My Imagination
And You Thought It Was Just Infatuation

Tensed And Dumb In Front Of You I Lay
And You Thought I Got Nothing To Say

When I Needed You I Cried In Pain
And You Thought I Was Lying Again

Hiding My Tears I Tried To Walk Tall
And You Thought I Didn''t Cry At All? . . . |''!''|
I''m Feeling So Lonely,
Like A Ship In The Middle Of Sea;

The Sky Is Weeping, The World Is Quiet.
Everything Looks Fade, Wherever I See;

They Say, Everything Is In Its Place.
Then Why I Feel This Hollow,
Inside Me?

Can''t I Change This Into Happiness?
Can''t I Make This Moment A Fantasy?

Yes Dear, It Is Possible
The Whole World Would Be Different
If You Were Here, With Me.

Missing You!