SmileS SMS Messages65 messages

If A Man SmileS All The Time ...

He Is Probably Selling


That Doesn''t Work ... ;->
Whn A Girl Falls Down
She Is Helpe By So
Many People
Whn A Boy Falls Down
Everybody Laughs

Whn A Girl Licks
Her Lips
She Is Thirsty
Whn Boy Licks
His Lips
He Is Tharki

Whn A Girl SmileS
She Is Considerd Cute
Whn A Boy SmileS
He Is Flirt ...

Still People Say
This Is Men''s World ... ;->
On 20th. Anniversary husband deep in thought.
Wife asks: what r u thinking?
Husband: Do u remember when ur dad caught us dating?
Wife: Yes
Husband: He pointed his gun at me n said either marry my daughter or go 2 jail for 20 years.
Wife SmileS. ''''Yes.''''
Husband: Ahhhh! I would''ve been free today... =P ;->

Whn A Girl Falls Down
She Is Helpe By So
Many People
Whn A Boy Falls Down
Everybody Laughs

Whn A Girl Licks
Her Lips
She Is Thirsty
Whn Boy Licks
His Lips
He Is Tharki

Whn A Girl SmileS
She Is Considerd Cute
Whn A Boy SmileS
He Is Flirt ...

Still People Say
This Is Men''s World ... ;->
May you have all the joy your heart can hold,
All the SmileS a day can bring,

All the blessings a life can unfold,
May you have Gods best in everything.