SmileS SMS Messages65 messages

7 Glances= 1 Smile
7 SmileS =1 meeting
7meetings= 1 kiss
7 kisses= 1 proposal
7 Proposals=1 marriage
and that bloody marriage has 777777 problems
With all the Rose"s Perfume
& with all the lights in the world
& with all the children"s SmileS...
I Wish U that ur all dreams comes True..
A Sister SmileS When One Tells One''s Stories -

For She Knows Where

The Decoration Has Been Added.

~Chris Montaigne
WhEn n0thing sEEms right,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn dArknEss is in da sight,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ppl disAppoint u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn apportunitiEs R fEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn frustrAtions engulf u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn fAilurErs r in viEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ur own lEts u down, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn instEAd of SmileS u gEt da frowns, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn ur judgEmEnts goEs wrong, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn u fEEl wEAk n wAnAA b strong, kEEp da FAITH

kEEp da FAITH n don lEt it go!!!
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Laugh so hard dat even sorrow SmileS at U!
Live life so wel dat even death loves 2 c U live
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Laugh so hard dat even sorrow SmileS at U!
Live life so wel dat even death loves 2 c U live
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Laugh so hard dat even sorrow SmileS at U!
Live life so wel dat even death loves 2 c U live
Life Laughs At You When You Are Unhappy , Life SmileS At You When You Are Happy ..


Life Salutes You When You Make Others Happy ... So Keep Smiling :)
Sending 24 SmileS,
1 4 each EaCh HoUr oF a dAy
2 MaKe SuRe u R aLwAyZ sMilinng...
Good Morning and hAv a gReAt dAy....
Morning Time-A cup of hot hello,A plate of crispy wishes,
a spoon of sweet SmileS & a slice of great success specially
for u...
Enjoy theday!!!Good morning!!!....
A cup of hot hello"s, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of
sweet SmileS and A slice of great sucess, hope this breakfast
makes u"r day lovely. Lovely & Beautiful Good Morning
sending you 10000 SmileS.....take 1 for now & keep the remaining
9999 under your pilow and take one every morning becoz i want to
see you smiling every day......Good Morning