Motion SMS Messages77 messages

Some times I feel tears in your laughing
Some times I feel sadness in your happiness

But It is true friendship when you know unexpressed eMotions of your friend
Valentine's day is day of Love
When roses blossom
When leaves shine with dew drops
When birds sing songs
When my hearts is satisfied
That there is someone like you who cares about me.....

Thanks for all your love and eMotions that accompanied me in my hard times and made me stronger enough to handle the difficulties. You will be always in my heart and mind. Never Forget me.

Boy: Hi

Girl: Hey how are You?

Boy: I am texting the most the beautiful girl in the world.

Girl: (eMotionally) Awwwwwwwwwwww sooo sweet.

Boy: But she is not replying so I am texting U...... =D :)
Girls are never wrong..
Just sumtimes
idiot ‘n even Mad!!
Never Wrong..
Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what i feel for you,
Each and everybody,
Love is like smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is like a great eMotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way i keep loving,
Like a love i cannt control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And i have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very star
8 Best Moments In Life

> Giving The 1st Salary To Ur Parents.

> Thinking Your Love With Tears.

> Looking Old Photos & Smiling.

> A Sweet & EMotional Chat With Friends

> Holding Hands With Your Loved Ones For A Walk.

> Getting A Hug From One Who Cares You.

> 1st Kiss To Your Child When He /She Is Born.

> The Moments When Your Eyes Are Filled With Tears After A Big Laugh.

" Hit Like If U Have Best Moments" ?
WhaT IS EMotion?????
Your enemy falls from 7th floor on your brand new Mercedes car and you don't know whether to laugh or cry :S
Alone I Sit Here

Empty And Cold

The Light Beckons Me

It Forces Me To
Be Okay

Hidden Away My
Feelings Are

Showing No EMotions Is
How I Am

I Have To Fight
To Be Alive

I Have To Pretend
To Care

The World Crushed
My Dream

Yet It Forces Me To be

I Once Was Alive

Now I Just Survive ...

The appearence of things change according to the eMotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really ourselves
Like words written on sand,
To be washed away by a rough tide.
Or, like a name etched on a rock
Withstanding the assault of time.
A Face Can Speak Thousand EMotions
But It Can Easily Mask What Heart
Truly Feels ... Don''t Be Fooled
By The Happiest Face . It May Be
Masking The Most Hurting Heart ...
a strong bonding doesn''t always need conversations, Doesn''t always need togertheness, as long as eMotions live in heart, true love never depart