Moon SMS Messages207 messages


Oh God, one cannot argue with you, but,
why did you throw us in the fire of love?

You formed us with your power, and water and clay.
Why did you create the Moon-like beauties?

You made eyebrows into pens, and locks of hair into lassos.
You made sugar-water limpid from sweet lips.

If you wanted me not to become afflicted and degraded,
why did you create lovesick girls?

If you wanted submission and prayers,
you would not have given beauties coquetry and coyness.

If false love is a sin,
why did you make drunkard eyes drunk?
Beloved''s Manifestation

One who is eager for love,
the beloved''s manifestation is in his soul.

In his existence there is the sign,
in his bones, marrow, and blood.

Is the beloved a houri or a human?
Venus, the sun, or the Moon?

My beloved, in short,
is neither from the earth, nor from the sky.

Day by day my beloved''s beauty becomes more elegant.
Moment by moment I become more saddened.

My beloved is closer to me than myself,
Yet, I don''t know where my beloved is.

One who has reason and knowledge,
becomes intimate with someone of his kind.

I, helpless and Majnun-like,
have become accustomed to the desert.
Do You Remember?

Handsome, your beauty surpasses other beauties.
Write, let me know how you are doing, peri.

Everybody did, what happens if I do?
Describing your charm in this gathering, peri?

Your breasts are like marble. Your alef-like stature resembles spruce.
Around your flower-like face, curl to curl, is ambergris scented hair.

You’d sleep and I’d stay all night till dawn,
Guarding your assets and riches, peri.

The day I fell in love with your Moon-like charm.
I found that my incurable pain had no remedy.

Do you remember, I was saying: Dawn, Dawn?
Praying no ruin falls on you, peri?
A wonderful romance……a fairy tale…….
Matching interests and passionate songs…….
Endless talks and common visions………
Dreamy eyes and sleepless nights……..
Amorous hearts and restless minds ……
Engrossed lovers and teaser chums……
An impetuous proposal and a bedazzled yes….
A home of dreams and a castle in sand……
A bunch of promises and a series of vows……
A tidal wave and a gust of wind…..
An angry thunder and a furious storm…..
A misty vision and a shadowed trail…..
A clouded sky and a Moonless night…..
A crash in the rocks and a shattered ship……
Two casualties and a zillion audience….
Deep Love Delight
Come across the moor with me,
in the bright Moonlight,
with no fear or fright,
I''ll show you all my heart,
with my deep love and delight.

Its better for you to go with me,
It''ll give you a moment light,
to think about the times to come,
which''ll give our bond strength and sight,
with my deep love and delight.

Don''t procrastinate your any thought,
It''ll make you future out of the sight,
just do whatever you think is right,
But,I''m here to look for you,
with my deep love and delight.

I want you to be with me,
all the day and all the night,
to share my feelings which I''ve for you,
I''ll give you every moment of my life,
with my deep love and delight.
It Was
14th Moon Night
Dark Calm All Around
Comlpete Silence
A Voice Was Heard
................Some One Was Saying Something
Under The Shade Of Moon
No One Was Awaiking
Birds Were Also Sleeping
Only The Stars Were Watching
.......................They Were Twinkling
A Voice Was Still Hearing
There Was Some One
Under The Shade Of Moon

.......................That Was I Just I Under The Shade Of Moon

And I Am Just Just Praying For You!!!!!!!!!
In The Flower My Rose Is You,
In The Diamond My Kohinoor Is You,
In The Sky My Moon Is You,
I"m Only Body My Heart Is You,
That"s Why I Always MISS YOU
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at Moon and said does
ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at Moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine.
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at Moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine.
True friends are rare to find
True friends are always very kind.
True friends are ornaments so beautiful
True friends always make us cheerful.
True friends are the work of perfection
True friends give us right direction
True friends always shine like Moon
True friends are the greatest boon
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at Moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine