Love p SMS Messages10 messages

I’ve learnd
I came alone and i’ve to go alone
I’ve learnd
People r with u only when they need u, not otherwise
I’ve learnd
Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation
I’ve learnd
A simple LIE of ur close one can break you more than anything
I’ve learnd
Its very hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support U
I’ve learnd
Help people but not upto the point beyond ur dignity
I’ve learnd
Luv urself and Love people but only if u can do it without expecting anything from them…
& I think I’ ve learnd a bit about life
Being single is a choice. Some say it's to avoid heartbreaks/Love problems, but some choose to be single because they are still in love with someone secretly.
Realize things before its too late.
Have lots of friends before you are alone.
Accept things rather than deny them.
Love people before you loose them.

Life comes just once.
Love it while you live it.
Love gives naught but itself
and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor
would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
Love puts the fun in together,

The sad in apart,

The hope in tomorrow,

The joy in the heart.
Sometime In OUR Life We Play Wid LOVE...
But When The Time Comes And You Realize Dat You Want To Get Serious...
Love plays Wid Your Life...
Love plUs

ThE fUn In ToGeThEr ...

ThE sAd In ApaRt ...

ThE hOpE iN
tOmOrRoW ...

tHe JoY iN hEaRt ... :-|
"Love possesses not will be possessed,for love is sufficent unto love"
"Love makes time pass away and time makes Love pass away"
In Cricket Match 1 Girl Made Pakistani Flag On Her Cheeks.

A Boy Kissed Her Cheeks And Said "