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A NeW dAy bEgInInG iS pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY
It''S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u
hErE''s WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW iN eVeRy DaYz To CoMe.

GuD a.M ... (:
LiFe SuRrOuNdZ
eNgUlFz Us ...

CaPtUrEd As A pIcTuRe PeRfEcT oBjEcT...

rEmInDiNg Us EaCh DaY ...

tO eMbRaCe OuR eXiStAnCe ...

GuD mOrNiNg ... (=
A New Day Beginning Is Perhapes d Best Time 2 Say
It''s So Nice To Know U
Here''s Wishing Our Friendship
Continues 2 Grow In Every Dayz To Come

Good Morning ...
Pursue Righteousness:
A wrong thing is wrong even if everyone else is doing it,
A right thing is right even if you’re the only person doing it!

Gud morning!
"Moving On Is Simple,

It''s What You Leave

Behind That

Makes It So Difficult"

Good Morning:)
Dua Is A Perfume
To The Soul
It''s A Sweet Aroma
Dat Pleases ALLAH
May It''s Fragrance
Be Wid You Throughout
Dis Day & Throughout
Your Life


Gud Morning (=
Morning Breeze,
Morning Coolness,
Rising Sun,
Singing Birds,
Melting Dew,
Along With This

"Little Heart"

Wishing A Very

"Glorious Morning".
Mrningz R Beautiful
Signs Of Hope
It''s Cre8ed By ALLAH To
Let Us Know Dat
Life Duzn''t End Aftr
The Sunset
Evry Dawn Is A
New Life ...

Hve A Blessed Day (:
Good Morningggggg
Behan Log Ko Salaam,
Dosto Ko Hi,
Buzurgo Ko Adaab
Girls Ko Pyar,
Aur Khas Ko Jaise K Aap,
Jadoo Ki Jhappi With Pappi . . . ;->
My Wishes Are Silent
But True
Everywhere They
Follow You
Luck Is Yours
Wishes Are Mine
I Wish Your
Present n Future
Always Shine ...

Good Morning ... :)
A Prayer That

From Above

Will Grant U
All The Blessing
Of His Everlasting LOVE


Gud Morning
Hve A Blessed Day
See How Beautifully
GOD Has Added One
More Day In Your Life

Not Necessarily Bcoz
You Need It
But Because
Someone Else
Might Need "U"

GuD MoRnInG ... (: