I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

Obstacles don''t have to stop you.

If you run into a wall, don''t turn around and give up.

Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it.

Good morning!
*Good Morning*

Utho Sathiyo Aur Mulk Ka Kuch Bhala Karo!


Acha Tum Ho...


Tum To Wapis So Jao Issi Main He Mulk Ka Bhal Hai...

*Good Night*
A Child On A Farm Sees A Plain Flying By Overhead
Dreams Of A Far Away Place . . .
A Traveler On The Plane Sees The Farm
Dreams Of That . . .
That’s Life . . .
We Never Realized The Value Of The Thing
It Moves Away From Us
Enjoy The Moment U Have With U

Gud Morning


Blessed Day .
When You Speak From Your Heart

And Say The Words Your Soul Has Only

Dared To Whisper,

That''s When Miracles Happen !!

So, Believe In Yourself

Good Morning
Bill Gates ...

"Every Morning Get Up
An Look Through The
List Of The Richest People
In The World. If Your Name
Is Not There Please Go To Work .. "

gOod MoRnIn
Laughter Is Like

A Fresh New Day

Each Giggle Is The Dawn
Of A New Morning


Bright Up Your Day
With Smile ...

Gud Morning
You Can Take No Credit For Beauty At Sixteen.

But If You Are Beautiful At


It Will Be Your Soul''s Own Doing.

<< Gud Morning >>
HE Sends Us Sunshine In The Morning

HE Listens To You When You Talk

He Could Live Anywhere In The World ,

Yet HE Choose To Live In Your Heart

Face It GOD Is In LOVE With You

Good Morning ...

God Bless ... =)
Understand Ho Beautiful GOD has Added One More Day In Your Life . Not Beacause You Need It BEacause Someone Eles Needs You ...

(( GoOOood mOrnInnG ))
Fresh Air...
Fresh Idea...
Fresh Talent...
Fresh Energy...
I Wish
U To

Have An Icy Morning,

Wid Buttering Msgs,

Mochocolaty Calls,

Creamy Thoughts,

Fruity Funs Wid Jumpy Joys,
Have A Sweet Day.

Gud Morning.
Awl Morning r Lyk A Painting
U Need A Little Inspiration To Get U Going
A Little Smile To Brighten It
A Msg 4m Someone Who Cares To Color Ur Day

GuD A.m =)