I_____you SMS Messages282 messages

loving you can only be compared to the sand of an ocean,
mising you with the warmth of your skin,
baby to me you mean the world,
ican"t stand without ur thing,
talk without ur lips!!!!So come and kiss me
if i could bring back memories i would bring the first day
i kissed you i look you in the eyes and felt love.
thanks god an angel came into my life!
You must be a good runner
because you are always running in my mind,
you must be a good thief
because you have stolen my heart,
and i am always a bad shooter
because I Miss You Always...
i"ve written you on the page of my heart,
reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul,
displayed you in the gallaries of my eyes
,this show how much i care...wow you are loved!
I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes,
I will be transferred to a surgery room.
The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.
If a raindrop would mean ... I love you
and you would ask me how much I love you,
i bet you that it would rain all day
I hope that you finally understand,
that I will love you untill the end,
because your not just my girl,
you are also my best friend
If I die and go to heaven,
I put your name on a golden star.
So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me !!
I love you
That Smile that comes on your face so sudden,
So sweet that I can almost taste;
Those Eyes that I see you batting away,
Makes me forget my haste.
That Hair that you run your fingers through,
So deep and dark like a Raven;
With all that in mind, how can I forget you,
When ‘tis you where I find my heaven.
The way you Laugh at a single joke,
It sounds like the Tinkle of a bell;The cent of you after a shower,
for which I thank God that in love with YOU I fell
No Matter Where You Go..No Matter What You Do..
If We Grow Apart..Or Come Closer Together..
If You Fall In Love..And Forget All About Me..
Or If You Came To Hate Me..I Want You To Know That
I Will Always Love You..And Always Be There For You..
No Matter Where Your Destiny Lies..You Will Always Be My Friend..
And If Fate Tears Us Apart..Always Remember That
No Matter How Long It Has Been Since We Talked..
Or Why We Stopped Talking..If Life Brings You Down..
I Will Always Be There For You..You Can Call Me Anytime..Anywhere..
I Will Listin To You..I Wont Ever Judge You..And Always Remember..I Love You
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I''ll be loving you every single day of my life.
I ThOuGhT LoVe WaS JusT A mIrAgE Of ThE MiNd. . . It''S An IlLusIoN, It''S FaKe, ImPoSsIbLe To FiNd. . .
BuT ThE DaY i MeT YoU
I BeGaN To SeE, ThAt LoVe Is ReAl AnD ExIsTs In Me. .