I ____ u SMS Messages489 messages

Good Unerdtsanding Btewene
Ecah Ohter Is Rael FierndSihp!
Eevn If We Hvae So Mnay
MsiUnerdsantndig Lkie Tish Msseaeg,
Btu i Konw U Cna Raed WtihOtu Msitkae !!
Smile a while,

While u smile,

smile another smile,

soon there will be miles,

and miles of smiles is just u smile,

i hope ur day is full of smiles....... <-:
I don''t search but I found, I never wish but it came true, I never asked but I got an answer & I never wanted but now I have u. Thanks for being mine.
When I pray I don''t see God, but I know He listens when I SMS I don''t
see you, but I know u think of me with a smile.
If life is a game.I pray u always win.

If life is a journey. I pray u always walk on roses.

If life is a joke. i wish u always smile.
Best Words In This World



Most Hurtful Words r


Think About It . . . ! ! !
~GoLDeN WoRdS~

~ AgR ZinDgE BaChaNe ke QeMat PuRi ZinDgE B MaNgi Jay To inKar Mat KrnA ~

~ GhaFiL ki AnkH Us WaqT KhuLti Ha Jb BanD HonY Ko HoTi Ha ~

~ KuCh Log ZinDgi Me B MuRdA Hoty Ha Or KucH MarNy K Bad B ZinDa

AsmaN Pr NigAh ZaRor RaKho LykiN!
Ye MaT BhoLo K PaoN ZamEn Pr Hi RkhY JatY Hn!
I Wish Ur Life

Soft As Silk

White As Milk

Sweet As Honey

Full Of Money

May All Ur Dreamz Come True

This Wish Is Only 4 U
The smallest gestures
that go right to the
Heart ...

A Smile from a
stranger when U r
lost in crowd

An old friend calling
from distant land
just 2 say ''I Miss U''

The touch of mother''s
hand on Ur forehead
when U r unable 2

Friend asking U Wh8z
wrong U thought
no one noticed

A hand on Ur shoulder
when it feels like the
world is against U

An unexpected, but
badly needed Hug from
the 1 U love the most

I Pray
U Get All These
When U Need ... (:
While I m lying in bed I
think about U
I know how V all r
growing up
Struggling to make
a place in the ''big big
How 1 day V r gonna
get busy wid Our lives
I just want U to know
I m scared to lose U, I
don''t want U to
I want U to be around
I want U to stay beside
I want U to make me
laugh n smile 4ever
just like U''ve always
U''ll remain special to me
4ever n ever n U r 1
of those Friends I
won''t ever 4get (=
''Cutest Story Ever''

Kid- Mom I love u more thn u love me

Mom: how can u prove dix my son?

Kid: Coz u''ve 2 sons n i''ve only one mother =]


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(é I miss u Like Crazy