Goal SMS Messages44 messages

All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim,
have fixed their gaze on a Goal which was high,
one which sometimes seemed impossible
Everone has a purpose in Life...

A unique gift or special talent to give to others.

And when we blend this unique talent with service to others,

We experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit,

Which is the ultimate Goal of all Goals!!
Everone has a purpose in Life...

A unique gift or special talent to give to others.

And when we blend this unique talent with service to others,

We experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit,

Which is the ultimate Goal of all Goals!!
// G o o d tHoUgHtS //

kiLL tHe stReSs b4 stReSs kILLs u.

ReAcH tHe Goal b4 Goal kIckS u.

HeLp eVeRyoNe b4 s0mEoNe hElPs U.

LivE LiFe b4
LiFe LeAvEs You!
Thought Of The Day :)

We must have a theme, a Goal,
a purpose in our lives.
If you don’t know where you’re aiming,
you don’t have a Goal.
My Goal is to live my life in such a way
that when I die,
someone can say,
He cared.
1 pathen n other pathan were watchin a cricket match. When Afridi hits a boundary.
1st pathan: Kya Goal mara.
2nd pathan : Raha na bewakoof ka bewakoof, Goal ismein nahin cricket mein hota hai

hello this is our at

hello this is our ATD ( Any Time Disturbance ) service we are the experts in disturbin n irritating ppl at busy hrs. Our Goal has been achieved. Thx !

This is A.T.D (Any Time Disturbance) Service




We Specialize in Disturbing And Irritating People at Odd Times!!




Hope The Goal is Achieved...

Thank You..!