Face SMS Messages231 messages

As u Face a brand new day, bow ur head & say this prayer: Thank u Allah for giving me this gud luking and cute sender. May his smartness increases everyday. (Ameen)

Good Morning
Dews on a Rose is the Tears of the Night to give way to Morning. I keep them in my Hand to throw it on ur Face to Wake U up. Good Morning...
The First
To Touch
Ur Face
Is My Whisper
To God
To Take Care
Of U
To Make Ur Day
A Pleasent One
GoOd MoRnInG . . .
Todays Thought: Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get. Keep smiling always it increases ur Face value. Have a terrific day. GOOD MORNING
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your Face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here''s a big smile just for you. Good Morning
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,

let d sun paint a Smile on ur Face,

remove all clouds of doubt n fears

n may u simply have a Beautiful day!!

A Smile Is A Way Of Writing Ur Thoughts On Ur Face
Telling Others That They Are Accepted, Like & Appriciated
So Here’s A Big Smile Just For U
Gud Morning
Try hard to get what u like (or) you will be forced to like what u get?

Keep smiling always it increases ur Face value?

Good Morning and Have a terrific day?
I sent angels to your bed to wake you up and I asked them to surround your heart with LOVE, touch your Face with a ROSE, kiss your head and wish you a very GOOD MORNING........
As u Face a brand new day, bow ur head & say this prayer:
"Thank u God for giving me this gud luking and cute sender. May his smartness increases everyday. (Ameen)"

Good Morning ;->
Roses R Famous
For Grace;

Advocates R Famous For Case,

Horses R Famous For Race,

But U R Famous
For SMILE On Ur Face,
So Keep Smiling Always!
HE Sends Us Sunshine In The Morning

HE Listens To You When You Talk

He Could Live Anywhere In The World ,

Yet HE Choose To Live In Your Heart

Face It GOD Is In LOVE With You

Good Morning ...

God Bless ... =)