Deep SMS Messages213 messages

Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is Deepest in themselves.
There are millions of people
But no one is like you
I feel such Deep feelings
Because I LOVE YOU
No one in this world has such grace
No one is so able to fill your place
You always know but i never say
My LOVE for you grows with every passing day
I''m so tired but I can''t sleep. . .
Standing on the edge of something much Deep. . .
Its funny how we feel so much but cant say a word. . .
We are screaming inside but can’t be heard. . .
Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
In the beginning a flame, very pretty,
Often hot and fierce,
But still only light and flickering.
As love grows older,
Our hearts mature
And our love becomes as coals,
Deep-burning and unquenchable.
The rock is so high
The sea is so Deep
I love u so much
That i cannot sleep
Love That We Can Not Have
Is The One That Last Longest,
Hurts The Deepest
Feels The Strongest . . .
Love; someone who gives you a shoulder to cry on, someone to lean on. Someone who respects your need to be alone when you''re crying, though.

Good love; its when someone cares about you Deeply, and when you''re crying, they make you laugh when you don''t even want to smile.

Great love; someone who physically wipes the tears away if you happen to be crying in front of them.

But true knows. Its that person who notices your abscence, goes to find you, and when they find you, they don''t wipe the tears away...they kiss the tears away. They hold you, long and tight, until you fall asleep in their arms.
Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest,

hurts the Deepest and feels the strongest.
~ I love you:

Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person''s Deepest emotional needs.

The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words:

"I love you."

Love is a choice. You can love even when the feeling is gone.

cannot be expressed in words.

It is bigger than the universe,

Deeper than the ocean,

innocent than a newborn baby and more dangerous than war!!

cannot be expressed in words.

It is bigger than the universe,

Deeper than the ocean,

innocent than a newborn baby and more dangerous than war!!

cannot be expressed in words.

It is bigger than the universe,

Deeper than the ocean,

innocent than a newborn baby and more dangerous than war!!