Come SMS Messages820 messages

|| Beautiful Saying ||

Words Are Under Ur Control

Until U Speak Them,

But U Come Under Their Control

Once U Have Spoken Them
In marriage man and woman beCome one.

The trouble starts when they try to decide which one
Good things Comes to those who WAIT...
Better things Come to those who TRY...
Best things Come to those who BELIEVE...
in their EFFORTS....
Mind Blowing Thought:

The Weakest Part Of A

Relation Comes Wen

One Of D Person Has

2 Giv Explanation 2 Prove D Trust..!

Never Let It Happen.
The Best Line I''ve Ever Come Across-

"The Heart Is The Only

Broken Instrument That Works,

Without Any Repairing For Years !!"
"In Life
The Person
Who Brings Out Best Quality
In U
& Makes U Strong
Is Actually
The One
Who BeComes
Ur Greatest Weakness."
~ Todayz Special ~

Old Age Is Like Climbing A Mountain.
You Climb From Ledge To Ledge
The Higher You Get The More Tired & Breathless You BeCome
But Your View BeComes More Extensive.
// Todayz Thought //

"The Path That
Leads To Happiness
Is So Narrow
Two Cannot Walk On It
They beCome One ..." (:
The Best Things In
'' L I F E ''
Come In Three ...

Like !!

'' F R I E N D S ''

'' D R E A M S ''


'' M E M O R I E S '' (:
HoW Come PricE & WortH ArE ThE SamE,

BuT. .

PricelesS & WorthlesS ArE OppositeS ...!!

KeeP ThinkinG

It''s WorthwhilE [*¡*]
If The First Button Of a Shirt Is Wrongly Put
All The Rest Are Surely Crooked

So Always Be Careful On Your First Step

Rest Will Come Correct...!!!!
We Always Work 4 Making Better 2morrow

Wen 2morrow Comes

Instead Of Enjoying It

We Again Start Thinking 4 Better 2morrow

2morrow Never Comes dear!

Enjoy Today !! =]