Come SMS Messages820 messages

im sorry baby,, i believe u''ll run & Come to me & i''ll open my hand @ hug u i''ll wait for u till end of my life
Life Is An Echo. . .

All Comes Back. . . The Gud, The Bad, The False & The True. . .
So, Give The World The Best You Have & The Best Will Come Back To You. . .
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

"Great results Come from great effort and perseverance. The more impossible it seems on the way, the greater you will enjoy your success."
Give thousand chances to your enemy
To beCome your friend.
But never give a single chance to your Friend
To beCome your enemy.
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

If You Have AnyThing Really Valueable To Contribute To The World . . .
It Will Come Through The Expression Of Your Own Personality
That Single Spark Of Divinity
That Sets You Off And Makes You Different From Every Other Living Creature. . .
There is no Good or Bad in this world,
But our perspective makes it so,
What people call"congestion" in a train,
beComes"atmosphere" in a nightclub..
If u find d whole world against u & u r alone on 1side, than wht''ll u do?

Very Simple

Just Turn Back & U''ll BeCome d Leader Of d Whole World

Think Positive. If u find d whole world against u & u r alone on 1side, than wht''ll u do?

Very Simple

Just Turn Back & U''ll BeCome d Leader Of d Whole World

Think Positive.
| 2dayz thought |

If you''re waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never Comes,
you''ll surely regret this day.

Gud Day!
|| LuVlY ThOuGhT ||

It is wrong to think that love Comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

When We Really Want To Forget Somebody Intentionally,

We Come To Know How Powerful Our Memory is...!!!
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

"Challenges in life Come in 3 broad categories: easy, difficult and impossible.

Those who take on only the easy have a safe and boring life.

Those who take on the difficult have a tough but satisfying life.

Those who take on the impossible are remembered"
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

"Whatever you give to life, it gives you back.Do not hate anybody.

The hatred which Comes out from you will someday Comeback to you.

Love others.And Love will Come
back to you."