stories SMS Messages11 messages

When you are sad.....
I will help you plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

When you are blue.....
I''ll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

When you smile.....
I''ll know you finally got laid.

When you are scared.....
I will rag you about it every chance I get.

When you are worried.....
I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be, and to
quit whining.

When you are confused.....
I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.

When you are sick.....
stay away from me until you''re well again. I don''t want whatever you have.
Good Friends Are One In A Million.
Good Friends Are stories To Share.
Good Friends Know The Path To Your
Happiness, And They Walk With You
All The Way There.

Good Friends Are Lives Overlapping.
Good Friends Are Laughter And Tears.
Good Friends Are Emotions So Deep
That The Trust Just Keeps Growing
I Wanted A Perfect Ending
No I Have Learnt The Hard Way

Some Poems Don’t Have Rhyme
Some stories Don’t Have A Clear
Begininig, Middle Or An Ending

Life Is About, Not Knowing, Having To Change
Taking The Moment & Making The Best Of It
WithOut Knowing What’s Going To Happen Next . . .
I''m Sad, ..
Sad Like Butterflies Pinned To Cardboard Boxes.Sad Like Books With Torn pages,

Ocean Shores Empty of Bathers..I Am Sad Like Unfinished stories ..

Where Would I go With All This, yet To live Alone...
In love never keep the condition of always ending up together. Some times wonderful love stories continue by just being friends. . . :)
Even If We have

Less Talks
Less Hellos
Less stories
Less Greetings

But always Remember that
My prayers Will Never b Less for You.

Wishes you a Bright,
Happy and Prosperous
New Year 2010 with God Bless!
A Sister Smiles When One Tells One''s stories -

For She Knows Where

The Decoration Has Been Added.

~Chris Montaigne
Flowers die,
Stories end,
Songs fade,
Memories are forgotten,
All things come 2 end,
But people like u r remembered forever,
Math tells us three of the tragic love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)
Math tells us three of the tragic love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)

Math tells us three of the tragic love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)