silence SMS Messages87 messages


silence 4


in memory

of those poor mosquitoes

who died

last nite

aftr drinking

ur blood,

they had

a heavy



u r

so SWEET!!!
There Are Very Few Things Sadder In This Life
Watching SomeOne Walk Away After They Have Luved U . . .
Watching The Distance Between Ur Boodies Expands Until There''s Nothing Left But Empty Space & silence . . .
What is Love?
It’s silence when your words would hurt,
It’s patience when your neighbor’s curt,
It’s defense when the scandal flows,
It’s thoughtfulness for another’s woes,
It’s promptness when stern duty calls,
It’s courage when misfortune falls
Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away
All the things I want to say can find no voice.
In silence,
I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart . . .
When U Like Someone And When They R Not With U,

U Feel U Must Talk To Them,

Convey Them U Miss Them A Lot

But All These Feelings Are Expressed As Tears.

But When U Really See Them,

U Dont Talk,U Remain Silent.

Its The Place Where silence Speaks

More Than Words.
I Chose To Love You
In silence
For In silence I Find
No Rejection

I Chose To Love You
In our Loneliness
For In Your Loneliness
No One Owns You , But Me
When We Want To Talk

More Than Usual To
Our Dearest,

Sometimes We Can''t
Even Say Single Word,

Just The silence

" ... I Love You ..." :)
One Nite A Girl And Boy Were Going In The Car

There Was Complete silence

Both Of Them Stayed Quiet For Long

The Girl Then Gave Him A Chit.Boy B4 Reading It Told The Girl

(Wid Embarassing Expressions)

Dat He Wants 2 Leave Her As He Is Losing His Interest In Her

Then Suddenly An Over Speeded Car Collided

With Their Car

Girl Died N The Boy Survived

When The Boy Opened The Chit

He Droppd A Tear Coz

It Was Written

Every tear is a sign of brokeness,
every silence is a sign of lonliness,
every smile is a sign of kindness,
every sms is a sign of remembrance
i miss u
Hundred words doesnt give pain

but,a Special Person''s silence

makes more tears in heart.

So,always keep in touch.
Face Test:
Q # 1:- What do you find on my Face:-
a) silence?
b) Innocence?
c) Proud?
d) Softness?
Q # 2:- Which 1 is the Most Attractive:-?
a) Eyes?
b) Smile?
c) Lips?
d) Hair?
Q # 3:- What is the 1st Impression that you got from My Face:-
a) Cute?
b) Smart?
c) Attitude?
d) Intelligent?
Reply Must if you are my Friend..?
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself
and know that everything in life has a purpose."
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926 -)