silence SMS Messages87 messages

I SPEAK only when I feel
my words are better than my silence..
Sometimes it may hurt or irritate others a lot..
So, I love my silence
6 reasons to prefer GUNS over WOMEN

1.U can trade an old 45 for a new 22

2.U can admire a friend's gun & He'll let u try it

3.Ur Gun stays with u even if u r out of munitions

4.Guns function normal everyday

5.Gun do not mind if U go 2 sleep after u use it

6.MOST IMP: U can buy a silenceR for A GUN! =P ;) :-)
The more silently love is expressed, the more deeply it is bound to impress. No wonder God loves us in silence but gives us unnoticed blessings. :)
My silence doesn't mean I'm gone. My quietness doesn't mean I'm dead. But deep in my heart, anywhere &anytime, u r always remembered,cared, loved & missed.
Successful People Always
Have 2 Things In Their Lips,
Smile & silence.!
Keep Always
All The Best
Speak less to people whom u love most…..Because if they cant understand ur silence….. They can never understand your words…...
I am Thankful...
I can walk.
There are those who have never taken their first step.

I Am Thankful...
I can see the beauty all around me.
There are those whose world is always dark.

I Am Thankful ...
I can hear music playing.
There are those who entire life has been spent in silence.

I Am Thankful...
My heart can be broken.
There are those who are so hardened they cannot be touched.
Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure’
No Sound In This World Can B
More Louder Than silence
If SomeOne Can’t Understand Ur silence . . .
They Can Never Understand Ur Words . . .
My silence Doesn''t Mean
"I Forget U"

My Disappearance Doesn''t Mean
"I Don''t Care About U"

Our Distance Doesn''t Mean
"V r Far"


U''re Always In
Some Joyz Are Better
Xpressed In silence

As A Smile Holds More
Meaning Than Words

I Was Asked If I Enjoy
Having U In My Life

I Juz Smiled ...

There Are

No Perfect Words

Only Thoughtful silences

That Whisper Softly Of

... C a r i n g ... (: