My Silence

My Silence
My Silence doesn't mean I'm gone. My quietness doesn't mean I'm dead. But deep in my heart, anywhere &anytime, u r always remembered,cared, loved & missed.

Nov, 01 2011     156 chars (1 sms)     2539 views       Miss You

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U''re lik a Targt dat I Always Try 2 Aim at.How I Wish I Cud Aim U at The Heart. But Every Time I Fail,I Feel So Sad.U Know Y?It''s Bcoz I Always End up Missing U
Close Your Eyes ....,Relax Your Body....
'n Stop Breathing As Long As You
Now Breath...
I Miss You As Much As You Missed The
Air..! A
Wen Daylight Turns 2a Darkened Hue,

Da Lovely Stars R Hinting @ U,

Ur Heartbeats Tells U Sumthng True,

Dat Sum1 Sumwhere Is Missing U.
My heart taught me that missing someone is a
very real ache. It comes from a place where
another heart has touched my own and left a
permanent imprint.
Miss me wen u smel ne rose,
Miss me wen u taste ne thing sweet,
Miss me wen u luk at @ da moon,
bt plz don"t miss me wen u raise ur hands 4 prayer
LIFE is 4 living, i live mine 4 U! LOVE is 4 giving, i give mine 2 U! DREAMS are 4 dreaming, mine are 4 U! HEARTS are 4 beating, & mine beats 4 U!
I dont know
i love u more
miss u more.
Coz if i love u more
i miss u more
and wen i miss u more
i love u more.
ROSHNI" kab kam hui pata na chala. "KHUSHI"kab gum hui pata na chala. Tumhari "YAAD" me khoye kuch is tarah. "AANKH" kab nam hui pata na chala...
You are far away,
but yet your love remains,

I can feel it all around.
It embraces me and holds me tight,

night after night.
Yeh pattaron ka shehar hai, her cheez bejuba.n
Kaun sun sakega fariyaad teri yahan?

Honton ko see le apne, aur aansoo ko pee le yaara
In cheezon ke nahi yahan per koyi kadar daan..!!
I wish one day you will miss me terribly that no matter how hard you look for me,

you won''t find me. Why? Because,
I want you to miss me the way I''m missing you right now.
Good Time
Bad Time
Day Time
Work Time
Off Time
Night Time
Happy Time
Sad Time
Sleep Time
In the Mean Time
I Miss U All The Time