doubt by back bencher association

doubt by back bencher association

We pronounce
21 as twenty one
31 as thirty one
41 as forty one
51 as fifty one
Y not 11 as onety one...?
A doubt by back bencher association =P ;->

May, 05 2010     163 chars (2 sms)     1835 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

A sardar was passing thru a jungle.

A churail stops him and says: Hoo hoo ha ha ha,

main churail hoon.

Sardar: Jaanta hoon, teri ek behan mere ghar bhi hai:-)
Wo kOn c Movie Hai jO AP Awaz Band Kr k Bhi Dekh Saktay, or Entertain Ho Jatay hO..












"MR.BEAN" ;->

Koi Sui mangy
Hum Teer deingy

Koi Billi mangy
Hum sher deingy

Koi Lassi mangy
Hum Kheer deingy


koi CHEENI mangy to

Hum Cheer dein gy... ;->
''4 things bOys dO in exam hal:

1.counting nO Of gals 2.flirting w/ lady invigilator
3.reading d brand name Of pen
4.thinkings 2stdy 4next exam-:-D..
Agr Obama Sadr-e-Pakistna hoTa To us KA kya Name Hota?/


ChaudrI Pakistan

sMs G@mblr
There was a couple. They were very happy and everyone thought they would end up together. But the girl left him. He was all heart-broken cos he thought he had found true love! After his chic breaks up with him, he feels like peeing. So he goes to the restroom. He suddenly realizes that the zipper of his pants have vanished!! how did this happen????

kyonki..Yaar bina chain kahan re, pyaar bina chain kahan re..!!
Murder Of EnglisH

One eng proff when a girl didn''t do her assignment and gave an excuse:

today u r lying with me 2morrow u will lie with somebody else
Today if anyone praises U 4 UR:
Kick them

how dare they
Can Fool U
before APRIL 1st....;->
Soft Speech
Pure Heart
Peaceful Eyes
Strong Hands
Focused Mind &Determined Decision
Always Make U


So,chiLL maro Or JungLi bn k rahO! ;-)
800 Kamro ka mahal ho

aur motiyon se saja darbar.

Income ho arbo me aur

200 mercedes car.

Sab sapne me hi mil sakta hai,

Isliye jagna hai bekar,

Soja mere yaar.
''Jab jab aati hai aap ki miscall....skooon, chain aur khushian laati hai aap ki miscall.
carry on 4 life time skoooon.''

son:abu telephone kis ne bnaya?

Father:Garaham bell ne.

Son:us k baap ne q nai bnaya?