"MY Principle"

"MY Principle"
"MY Principle"

If someone throws a stone at you, throw a flower at him....

But, make sure that the flower is still in the pot.....!!

May, 20 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     2089 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Everyone will not get everything,
This is the RULE of LIFE,
Dont try to get which is not yours.
But dont dare to loose which is yours..!
I want to share everything with u
Your sadness, ur happy moments
Every single second of the day
Let’s start with
Your bank account.
Shair:Arz kia hai

Pathan Irshad irshad.

Shair:Arz kai hai.

Pathan:Irshad irshad.

Shair:Abey Kamine bolne
To do

Pathan:Wah Wah Wah
"PAppu" Arz kArtA hy..

TEri YAAd mE HuM itnA Kho gAyE..








POTTY kArtAy kArtAy wAhiN Soo gAyE... ;->
Arz kia ha..

Karachi main agar agaye talibaan..

Wah wah..

Kia arz krdia ha mene

karachi main agar agaye talibaan,,

to kesi lage gi burqay main shiri rehman.
Boy: Boys r Inteligent Than Girls!

Girl: Any Proof ?

Boy: You Always Say Inteli-GENT
You Never Say Inteli-LADY.. ;)
GoLdEn ThOuGhT fRoM PeTrOlEuM cOmPaNiEs To paKiStanI YoUtHs:

"AvOiD gIrLs,SaVe PeTroL"
Man 1:
"I m Alwayz Delighted
When People Stick Their
Noses In My

Man 2:
"Why, What Do You Do?"

Man 1:
"I''ve A Company, Make
Tissue Papers ..." ;->
Most romentic shyari of the year Arz kiya hai..

Paani k bina tu Poty dho nahi sakti...

mere siva tu kisi aur ki ho nahi sakti... ;->
<))> Xcuse Me

Aap kAAm bAAd mE kArnA,,
PhELE MEri bAAt SuNLo,,

















dil laga k kaam kiya karo =P ;->
The Difference B/W Friend N Best Friend..

Friend Says: Hey Plz Drive Safely N Slowly..

B.Friend Says: Abay Bhaga Yr Us Agay Wali
Car Me Full Bachiyan Hain ;->
Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming
1. Whenever you''re wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you''re right, shut up.