DuRiNg kErFuE A MaN

DuRiNg kErFuE A MaN
DuRiNg kErFuE A MaN WaS SlEePiNg iN FrOnT Of hIs hOuSe. A PoLiCe mAn sAw hIm aN ToLd hIm tO CuM PoLiCe sTaTiOn wD HiM.He rEqUeTeD HiM To aLlOw hIm tO PuT BaCk hIs bEd iN HiS HoUsE.ThE PoLiCeMaN AgReEd.tHe mAn wEnT InTo tHe hOuSe aN LoCkEd tHe dOoR.ThE PoLiCeMaN ShOuTeD"CoMe oUtSiDe".
hE RePlIeD:"y cOuLd i cOmE OuTsIdE, aS It iS KeRfUe oUtSiDe" :d

May, 20 2010     350 chars (3 sms)     2051 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

After Eating Fish Santa Dont Drink Water
He Feared That Fish Will
Start Swimming In His Stomach

Shayer farmate hain !
"Dil Oska Phir Dukha Dia Hmne

Os Ko Ek Baar Phir ULLU Bana Dia Hmne

Naam Bata K Osko KiSH MiSH Ka,

Naak Ka Chooha Khila Dia Hmne..:-P
Plz Pass This SMS
2 All Ur Frnd . . .

Sahi Se Parhi Is Msg ko

A Person Whose
Contact # Is
0321 - _______

Urgently Need
3 Bottles Of

A Large Pizza . . . . ;->
4 guys
2 4rm OXFORD
3 4rm TEXAS
4 Sardar 4rm punjab university
1 Question
what is th fastest thing in world?
OXFORD: light
HARVARD: thought
TEXAS: blink of an eye
Sardar: its loose motions
last night i was lying in my bed
b4 i could blink,think or turn on th lights,
it was over!

Before Marriage:-

He: yes! atlast it was so hard 2 wait
she:do you want me 2 leave?
He: No! don’t even think about it
She: do you love me ?
He:ofcourse! over n over!
She:have u ever cheated on me?
He:No!y r u even asking?
She:will u go on wid me on picnic?
He:every chance I get!
She:will u hit me ?
He:R u crazy?I’m not that kind of person!
She:can I trust u?
She: Darling!

After marriage…
Now simply read from bottom to top
Are U Emotionally Dumbed ?

Creatively Challenged ?

Artistically Void ?

Socially Hopeless ???


Financially Desprate ....????

Congrates You Are A

PAKISTANI .... ;->
MMA Ki Larki Aur MQM K Larka

Mar Jaunga Teri Khatir
G.A Muhajir
G.A Muhajir

Mjhe B Tjh Se Pyar He
Per Amrica Ka Jo Yaar He
Qoum Ka Ghaddar Hai
Q: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office?

A: You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. . . ;-> a day at the office?

A: You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. . . ;->
Never Reject A Girl In Life Bcoz

A Good Girl Gives U

Happines N

Bad Girl Give U


Both R Essential In Life

So Enjoy Every

The Statement Below Is True ...



























"cErTiFieD ...

AbSoLuTe ...

StUpId " ;->
Q: Why do dogs bury bones in the ground?



A: Because you can''t bury them in the sky!
Popular Dialogues After Daru session.....
1. Gaddi Mai chalaunga
2. Tu bura na manni bai
3. Mai teri dilon izzat karda veere
4. Tenu ki lagda a menu charh gay..???
5. Tu a na soch ke mai pee ke bol reha
6. Jo marzi keh la tu bhai a apna
7. Tu dass tenu ki chahida mai tenu hune leya ke dina
8. Yaar ajj fer ohdi badi yaad aayi a
9. Tu mera bhai mai tera bhai aapan dowen bhai-bhai
10. Bas ajj ton baad nahi peeni yaar......