
A boy tried to lift a heavy stone but he couldn't move it,

His friend asked him:Are you sure you are using all your strength ?

Boy:Yes,i am.

Friend:No you are not because you haven't asked me to help you.
"I'm your Friend & I'm your Strength"

Mar, 09 2011     245 chars (2 sms)     2087 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

"I am not a palmist to tell U where UR paths will lead U..
I am not an astrologist to tell U if UR stars will be lucky enough for U..
I am not even gud enough to take UR burden 0ver my shoulders..
I can make a Wish for U..
A simple Wish that..
May Allah lead U to the best path..
May He bless U with the luckiest stars..
May He guide U,
protect U n help U through everything.. *Ameen*
a strong bonding doesn''t always need conversations, Doesn''t always need togertheness, as long as emotions live in heart, true love never depart
The Sweetest Souls

In You
Are Your

They Are Your
If we desire to blossom like a rose in the garden,

then we must learn the art of adjusting with the thorns.

Difficulties will make you shine
Evn though, I clutch my blanket n growl
when de alarm rings.
Thank u, ALLAH,
that I can hear.
There r many,
who r deaf.

Evn though, I keep my eyes closed
against da morning lite as long as possible.
Thank u, ALLAH,
dat I can see.
Many r blind.

Evn though,
I huddle in my bed n put off rising.
Thank u ALLAH,
that I hav da strength to rise.
There r many,
who r bedridden.

Thanks a lot ALLAH for Ur uncountable blessings...\
I don''t search but I found, I never wish but it came true, I never asked but I got an answer & I never wanted but now I have u. Thanks for being mine.
When a love comes to an end, weak cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and the wise already have one in reserve...
So b wise always ;-
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, ''Where have I gone wrong?'' Then a voice says to me, ''This is going to take more than one night''.
Everything Is Incomplete Without ME







Even This ..ssage!

So Dont Forget ME.
Relationship Is Not How Long U Have Been Together

Not How Much U Have Given Or Received

Not How Many Times U Have Helped Each Other

Its How U
One Another
Lyf May Sumtymz b A Rough Road 2 Walk On
Whr Evrything Seemz Rong
Dun Giveup. Jst Go On Coz
Whn U Fink U r All Alone
Luk Bck & U''ll Find Me Walkin Along ... :)
The happiest of people don''t necessarily have the
best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.