''Two devils came in 2 my dreams.
They said,
“We want 2 disturb some good person.”
I suggest them your name.
They said,
“We cannot disturb our boss.”''
Ek Sheikh Doctor K Pass Gya Or Bo|A K Ghar Ja Kr Mareez Check Krnay Kitnay Pesay.
Doctor:300 Rs.
Sheikh:Chlain Doctor Shb.
Ghar Puhanchay To Docor Ne Pocha K Mareez Kahan Hai?
Sheikh: Mareez Koi Nahi Hai,
Taxi Wala 500 Mang Raha Tha,
The Most InteresTinG ThinG abouT thiS sMs is thaT by The Time U Realize That NothinG is WriTTen in iT..
iT WouLd bE Too LaTe For U To Stop Reading iT... ;->
Lovers sitting in a park,
boy tries to kiss the girl..
Girl says No dear not all this before marriage..
Boy: Don?t worry darling ?I am already married?.:p