Life has its Ups and

Life has its Ups and
Life has its Ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both Sun n Rain to make RAINBOW.

Jun, 19 2010     132 chars (1 sms)     2159 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

the world dosn;t need more mountains to climb, more seas to cross or more stars to shine. wht it needs is only more of u n ur smile!
Whats Sweeter:
Sms Or Miss Call.

Ans: Miss Call,
Becoz It Shows Someone Is Terribly
Missing U That He Or She Is Wordless
To Say Or Write.
Diamond cannot be polished without friction ,
Gold cannot be purified without fire,
Good people go through trials but
That experience make their life Better not Bitter"
This Msg Is 4m Hum 2 Tum


Hum is Missing Tum Very Much

Without Tum, Hum Is Very Lonely

So Tum Never Go Far From Hum


Hum Will Die Without Tum ... ;->
'''' Bhool ''''

Allah Tallah Insan Ko Maaf Kr Deta Ha
Insan Insan Ko Maaf Kr Deita Ha
Insan Ki Bhol Insan Ko Kabhi Bi Maaf Nahe Karti...''''
Gem Notes For Women

1.If A Man Wants U,Nothing Can keep him away . If He Does''nt want You, Nothing Can Make Him Stay

2.Never Let a MAn Know Everything He Will Use it Against You Some Day.

3.Have Your owen Set of Friends Seprate From His ..Get ur Time With ur Friends To relax & Unwind.
Aam ki khushbu,
Barish ki bahar,
Garmi ka Mosam aaney ko tayar,
Thori si masti,
Thora sa pyar,
Load Sheding k liye raho tayar,
3 Magical Words
Of Life:
2.Thank U

Don''t Use
Dis Words To 3 Persons:
Wat Is The Secret Of My Energy?

Then Wat?
A Small Sweet Msg From ‘U’ Everyday
U may miss me,

You may ignore me,

U may even forget me.

But one day if you want to see me

Do not search,

just see your shadow.

I will be there.

Trust me!!!
Rule To Live . . .
Be civil to all,
sociable to many,
familiar with few,
friend to one,
enemy to none.
Time Doesn''t Wait For
U or Me
Days Pass n Years Pass
U Miss Ur Best Ones
U Move Away From Ur
Close Ones
Ur Life Changes
Frnds Change
Ppl Change
Ur Heart Has Those
Precious Moments
Etched In It
Wether U Want It
Ot Not
Its Always There
Making U Happy At Sad
Times n Making U Sad
Even At Happier Times
Ur Heart Has Those
Moments In Tht Corner
Where No One Can See
What It Is
So Enjoy Every Moment
Of Life

Have A Beautiful Life (: