The "rain"may cover the "sun"
but we knw tht "sun"never
forgets to shine , just like u..
I may not often see U , but U always
"shine " in my prayers..............
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice....
but for those who love....
Some Times God Wants Us To Meet A Few Wrong Ppl
By Meeting The Right One So That
When V Finally Meet The Right Person. We''ll Know
How To Be GrateFull To That Gift ..
Never Say Sorry To One.. Who Likes U,
Never Say Bye To one.. Who needs U,
Never Blame The One.. Who Really Trust U..
Never ForGet The One.. Who Alwaz Remmbers U..!!
The "rain"may cover the "sun"
but we knw tht "sun"never
forgets to shine , just like u..
I may not often see U , but U always
"shine " in my prayers..............
Each of us has our own unique flaws.
We''re all cracked pots.
Its the cracks and flaws that make our lives interesting and rewarding.
You''ve to accept people as they are and then look for the good in them......
Remeber It ....
Nobody is perfect!