Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure’
Dont Spend Tym Just Working & Being Busy
U''ll Always Complain About Lack Of Tym
Instead Put A Little Bit Of Effort
Plan & Organize Ur Lyf
U''ll Realize That U Have
Tym 4 Every Thing.....
U''ll knw th8 U miss sum1 vry mch
whn evrytym U think of th8 person.
Ur Heart breaks into peices & juz a quick "Hello"
4m th8 prson can bring
d broken pieces back
Her Insan Ki Alag Pechan Hoti Ha.Magr Hamary SMS Ke Alag Shan Hoti Hai.
Har Kisi Ko Hum Nahi
Ker Te SMS.
Magar Jis Ko Karen SMS Us Me Hamari Jaan Hoti Hai....