Do You Know

Do You Know
Do You Know !

The Only Place



Comes Before


Is ....

In The

D I C T I O N A R Y ... ;->

Jun, 19 2010     173 chars (2 sms)     1841 views       Decent

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Meri dua hai to naik serat ho,

Tera dil teri tarha khobsurat ho,

Mill Jaye har cheez tujhe dua se pehle,

khud dua ko tere hathon ki zarorat ho.....
In the end,
only 3 things matter the most:
How fully u lived,
how deeply u loved
how well u learned to let go of things not meant for u!
There Is No Limit Of God''s Love;

No Measure Of His Grace;

His Power Knows No Boundaries

And HIS Blessings Are Endless

May GOD Be With You Always...
The difference between ability and character is...

ability will get us to the top, but character will retain us at top.

Be at top always! Gud Day!
The purpose ov relationship iz nt to hav sm1 who might complete u,Bt to hav sm1 wid whom u might share ur incompleteness!
Like words written on sand,
To be washed away by a rough tide.
Or, like a name etched on a rock
Withstanding the assault of time.
Who said water helps in putting off fire?

if so,


why dont tears heal the burn in one''s heart ?
The appearence of things change according to the emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really ourselves
The difference between God and Man being is...

God Gives and Forgives. Man Gets and Forgets!
"Golden Tip''s"

Paon Beshak Phisal Jaye,Lekin Zaban Ko Na Phisalne 2.

Aj Amal Hy,Hisab Nai,Lekin Kal Hisab Hoga,Amal Nai.

Jhoot Bol K Jet Jane Se,Such Bol K Har Jana Behter Hy.

Khubsurti Kapron Se Nahi,Ilm-O-Adab Se Hoti Hai.

Ibratein Beshumar Hain,Magar In Ka Asar Lene Wale Buhat Kam Hain.
I wonder what would happen if we treat our Quran like we treat our phones.
What if we carry it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turn back to o get it if we forget it?
What if we flip through it several times a day?
What if we use it to receive messages from the text?
What if we give it to kids as gifts?
What if we use it as we travel?
In complete darkness we are all the same & its only our knowledge & wisdom that seperates us.....

Don''t let your eyes deceive you.