There Is A Light

There Is A Light
There Is A Light
That Shines
Beyond All Things
On Earth,
Beyond The Highest,
The Very Highest Heavens.
This Is The Light
That Shines
In Your "HEART"

Jun, 19 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     2156 views       Decent

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There Are Three "R''s"

Important In Life

1 . "R"espect For Self

2 . "R"espect For Others


3. "R"esponsibility For All Your Actions
Seprations r those wounds

dat nobody can heal

& memoris r those treasurs

dat nobody can steal.

But dont separate to make memories.

so plz stay in touch !!!
" A Relation Is "

When Sum1 Hurts U , U Don''t Hurt Back

When Sum1 Shouts At U , U Don''t Shout BAck


When Sum1 Needs U , U Always come Back
Sab Kuch Bhoola Kar Tenha Reh Gaya,
Sab Kuch Loota Kar Tenha Reh Gaya Phir
Dukhnay Lagay Zakhm Judaai K In Ko Sooola Kar Tenha Reh Gaya.
God plz grant me the calmness

to accept the thngs I cant change,

the courage to change thngs I can

and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.
Millions Of Greetings!

Thousands Of Colors!

Hundred Of Wishes!

Kg''s Of Sweets!

Lots Of Smiles!

Thats''s Wat I Ask God

2 Giv U Throuout This Day.
The Best Way To Inspire Ppl To Superior Performance Is To Convince Them By
Everything U Do & By Ur EveryDay Attitude
That U r Whole Heartedly Supporting Them....
hold on before its too late,
dont fall until we leave trouble behind

be who u are, thats all u need in your life,

nothing seems real...until its lost
Life doesn’t provide Warranties & Guarantees…
it only provides possibilities & opportunities
for those who dare to make best use of it.....
Smile Whn In Leisure

Smile Whn In Pain

Smile Whn Troubles Pour Like Rain

Smile Whn Someone Hurts Ur Feelings


u Knw Smiling Alwayz
Start The Healing . . . :)
Don''t hold anybody by his shirt or arm to be heard, if he doesn''t wants to listen to you better hold your tounge
There wil cme a day in ur life,
dat u wil think u r alone,
u wil b hurt by ur admires,

u wil cry 4 me,

i shall nt hear u,
i shall b beyound the galaxies, out of ur reach,

i pray to GOD that such a day,should never cme in ur life,but im worried about my prayers,

bcoz most of my prayarsr un answerd