In this cruel world

In this cruel world
In this cruel world it is very difficult to find friend
with beautiful heart, pure feelings, attractive personality
& stylish looks. So learn to value me!

Jun, 17 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     3009 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

"Tears of EYES are Valuable"
"Speech of LIPS are Powerful"
"Heart With LOVE is Beautiful"
"Life with FRIENDS is Most
Wonderful".. !!
Usne dur rehna ka mashwara b likha hai,
Saath he DOSTI ka wasta b likha hai,
Usne ye bhi likha hai mere ghar na aana,
Or saaf lafzo me rasta bhi likha hai
In life many people will help YOU

When it suits THEM


Very few people will help YOU

When YOU need it



Be the FEW to MANY
FRIENDSHIP isn"t how U forGet but how U forGive,
Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand,
Not what U see but how U feel,
and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!
Tum ne suna hai.

Nahein suna?

Waqain nahi suna?

CNN pe?

BBC pe?

PTV pe?

Geo pe?

Nahin to phir mere se he sun loo.

One Fine day, all of us will get busy wid our lives, long working hours, no more classes, lectures, friends n sms'', some will get married, won''t have time for ourselves,
at such a day u will look outsid ur window n see the good old memories flash by u & u will get a smile with a tear in ur eyes & turn back to ur work thinking I wish I could go back..

Send this to all your friends who helped to create such memories
aap ki duri ka
aap ki baton ka
( KADR )
aap k naam ki
( FAKR )
aap se dosti ka
aap k sweet sms ka.
To kab tak ayga.

If luck is a raindrop, I wil; send u a shower.
If hope is a minute, I ll send you an hour.
If happiness is a leaf, I ll give you a tree.
If u need a friend, u already have me.
F r I e N d S h I p

Is LiKe A bAnK aCcOuNt ...

YoU cAnNoT cOnTiNuE tO dRaW oN iT


MaKiNg DePoSiTs ... (=
A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they''re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they''re not so bad.
Sweetness can be defined without honey.

Fragnance can be defined without Rose.

But, friendship can"t be defined without YOU.

May Be Precious



Are Priceless ... (=

HaPpY fRieNdSh!p DaY