Never Walk Away

Never Walk Away
Never Walk Away From
A True Friend When
U C Some Faults . . .

B Patient & Realize
That NoBody Is
Perfect . . .

It''s Affection That Matter,
Not Perfection . . .

Jun, 17 2010     172 chars (2 sms)     1833 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Friendship is a crossed cheque of Rs.Happy/-

When u feel upset or alone withdraw it from my account.

And when you are too happy deposite it in my account. . . :->
Sometimes the World Gives So
Many Reason To Hate It..
But Whenever it Happens
I Just Stop 'n Think Of You 'n Say
How Can I Hate This World When
You Are A Part Of It ..! :)
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. I am arrived at last in the presence of a man so real and equal, that I may drop even those undermost garments of dissimulation, courtesy, and second thought, which men never put off, and may deal with him with the simplicity and wholeness with which one chemical atom meets another.
The Day You Came In My Life,
I Felt You As My Best 0ne.
I Judged You Not By Your Beauty or
Because I Felt You As My 0wn. Be With Me Forever.. !
Knock On My Heart N Door Will Be Open For Cute



It Doesn''t Apply To U


U Dont Have To Knock Anymore

U''re Already In My

HEART . . . :)
24 sweet hours makes 1 sweet day!
7 Sweet day! makes 1 Sweet week!
4 Sweet weaks make 1 seet month
1 Sweet person like u meakes the life sweet!
The minds of 2 friends r like the
lines of railway track they may not meet but has 2 go 2gether
2 save the derailment of train called
F r I e N d S h I p

Is LiKe A bAnK aCcOuNt ...

YoU cAnNoT cOnTiNuE tO dRaW oN iT


MaKiNg DePoSiTs ... (=
A strong bonding does''nt need daily messages,

Doesn''t always need calls.

As long as love lives in the heart,

true friendship never departs.
God picked up a flower and dipped it in a DEW,
lovingly touched it which turned in to u,
and the he gifted to me and said, THIS FRIEND IS 4U.
La$t night I $ent an angel 2 watch over u
while u were $leeping but it came back early!
$o I a$ked it why?
It $aid that angel$ don"t watch over other angel$....!
Zindagi behaal hai Sur hai naa taal hai,
msgbox bhi kangal hai,
kya aapki SMS factory me hadtal hai,
yaar kuch tu bhejo ya meri mobile ki zindagi ka sawaal hai