Na salaam yaad rakhna

Na salaam yaad rakhna
Na salaam yaad rakhna
na paigaam yaad rakhna
ho sake tho zindagi mein
hamara naam yaad rakhna

Jun, 17 2010     98 chars (1 sms)     2191 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Love makes u realize how wonderful d world is but its a frnd who makes u realize how wonderful you are to d world.

For all my belovd frndz (:
Treat your life as a Sea,
your heart as a Seashore,
Friends like waves,
It never matters how many there are,
what matters is how many touch the seashore
Time and distance are important between friends.
When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever.
I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!

WhO iS a TrUe AnD gReAt FrIeNd?

OnE wHo aTtEnDs ThE WaItInG CalL oF A fRiEnD wHeN LoVeR Is in ThE LiNe.

U to hum bhi madad kia nahi karte,
Choclate kya toffy bhi dia nahi karte.
Ye DOSTI sirf apse hai warna msg to kya
hum kisiko number bhi dia nahi karte
Is A gIfT,
tHaT iS fAiR iN aLl tHiNgZ.
iT rOoTs FrOm OnE''s HeArT
iNvOlVeS mEmOrIeS
tHaT sTaY nOt
FoR a WhIlE
FoR a LiFeTiMe ... -,-
A lover Says, i will be with in all your troubles...
a good friend says...u will have no trouble when i m wid u...
A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The tear of eye that
wets ur pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure ! (:
If You Angry with your Loveable Friend,
Just Put aside you Egos.

Just Hug Each Other and Say:

I Need You Idiot, at least to Fight With Me..
Sometimes in life we think we don"t need anyone.
But sometime we don"t have anyone when we need...
So don"t let your best buddies go ever...
Nahin pata tha ki zindagi mein
Aapsa bhi koi dost aayega....
Lekin agar Khuda ne bakshi Zindagi dobara
Toh aapki kasam vapas yeh dil aapki hi dosti ko chaahega
Friends Are Like Fish

U have To Sit Patiently For A Long Tym To Catch A Nice One . . .

Just Like I Caught You

You Better Stay Nice Or Sould I Fry u . . . =)