Difference between LOVE & FRIENDSHIP- Balance nahi he fir b kuch b karke baat krna is LOVE.. . . . . . . .Balance hone k baad b miss call hi karna is FRIENDS.
Before I got in touch with u,
I used to gaze at stars as they were only my friends.
But after I met u,I started believing
that stars do fall on Earth. . .
PaIn Of MisSinG FrIeNdS iSn''T tHiEr aBsEnCe . . .
ItS WhEn U ThInK oF ThE gOOd TyMs u HaVe ShaReD & U aSk UrSeLf
"WiLl ThOsE mOmEnTs eVeR hApPeN aGaIn"
ThAt''s FrIeNdsHiP