You are not only

You are not only
You are not only the friend I found,
You are an angel who walks on the ground,
I could search my whole life through,
And I know I’ll not find another friend like U.

Jun, 17 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     2034 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

There are 2 types of enjoyment.
One is being with a friend.
The other is being with the memories of friends.
Miss u but not ur memories.
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand,
nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship;
it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when
he discovers that someone else believes in him and is
willing to trust him
What is real but invisible? Ur love… What is true but unfair? Ur away from me… What is sweet but invincible? Ur smile… What is precious but priceless? Ur friendship…
A "Friend" Is One
Special Person Who
Can Pull Out A
Happy Tear From
Your Eye ...
Even If You Don''t
Have Tears To
Cry ... (:
Aisi Kia Dua Doon Tum Ko , Jo Tumhari Labon Pe hansi k Phool Khila day..
Bass Yehi Dua Hai Meri , Sitaron Si Roshni Khuda Tumhari Taqdeer bana De ...

plants are green and earth is blue, why ur so nice to me i want a clue, What ever may be the resone like u , b''coz in world like this, i will never get a friend like you
Pugrey wery mohabbata de ta rakheye wara lakey,

Mere jay nadan de laa bey jamday jara katakey,

Bar na devana jila kumbida zamana dila hatha wich ley k areyan,

Teri tey gila hai sanu pagla delavey kanu laalaeyan tu yariyan,
Awesome Self Respect Line I Have
Ever Heard...
"If its going to be hard
for People to Choose between Me 'n
Someone Else
I would allow them to Choose the Other One
I 'm not an OPTION".. !
I''ve Got So Many
Idiotic Aspects
May Be
I''m A Sinner
May Be
I Dnt Knw
What Is Mannerism
May Be
I m Self-Obsessed
Coming To Think Abt
My Buddies I Think Tht
My Choice Is The Best
In The World ... :)

Dedicated To All
My Buddies *.*
PaIn Of MisSinG FrIeNdS iSn''T tHiEr aBsEnCe . . .
ItS WhEn U ThInK oF ThE gOOd TyMs u HaVe ShaReD & U aSk UrSeLf
"WiLl ThOsE mOmEnTs eVeR hApPeN aGaIn"
ThAt''s FrIeNdsHiP
some thing can not be described......
some moments can not be shared......
some feelings can not be explained....
some words can not be described.....
but.....nothing can be hidden from a true
If You Angry with your Loveable Friend,
Just Put aside you Egos.

Just Hug Each Other and Say:

I Need You Idiot, at least to Fight With Me..