Friendship Rules No Drama No Excuse No Sorry No Thanks Don't Say I am Busy Just Always Say . . . . Yar Hukam Kar Tery Liye Jan Bhi Hazir Ha . . . . . . . . Deni Nai Wo Alag Baat Ha…
In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You’ll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE!...................
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are
Good friends are like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly. Good friends are like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
I’m crying,
The tears are slowly going,
I’ve got a problem,
I can find a way out,
I’ve got a friend.
My friend has got a friend.
I’m a friend with my friend.
A friend is not a friend,
Without a friend,
That’s my friend,
My friend,
Who’s got a friend.