A great frend is an

A great frend is an
A great frend is an extension of our-self

widout whom v r nt complett.

So better take care of urself

b''coz I dn''t wanna 2 loose a part of me!

Jun, 16 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     1911 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Is dil main yaadon ke male hian,
Tum bin bohut akele hain,
Sab kuch chorke tume SMS kar rele hian,
Dekho hum kitne wale hian.
Life is a little foolish and v r all fools
wen v find some1 whose foolishness is EQUAL 2 ours

v fall in 2 mutual stupidity and call it FRIENDSHIP.
Tanhai me fariyad to kar sakte hai,
Virane ko aabad to kar sakte hai,
kya hua agar aapse mil nahi sakte,
Apko dil se yaad to kar sakte hain..
Friendship Is Like A Tree

Its Not Measured On How Tall It Could Be. . .


On How Deep It''s Roots Have Grown
FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn"T Be BoUgHt
Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS
FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!
Is se pehle k raat ho jaye
Q na ek Mulaqat ho jaye
Apne Mobile se ek pyara sa sms hi kar do
Jis se shor b na ho aur Baat ho jaye
Respect those friends who find time for you

In their busy schedule.

But really love those friends who never see their

Schedule when you need them
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.

If u try to close ur eyes,

friendship turns in to a drop of tear

and remains in ur heart forever
A nice quote by a true friend
"I don't care when you disturb me, it disturbs me when you don't disturb me"
I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.
Chand ki dosti raat se subah tak...

Suraj ki dosti subah se sham tak...

"Par Hamri Dosti...!

Pehli Mulakaat see aakhri Sans tak?

Longest Love Is Mothers Love....
Shortest Love Is Others Love....
Sweetest Loves Is Lovers Love...
But Strongest Love Is Friends Love...