A Friend Is One Of

A Friend Is One Of
A Friend

Is One Of The Nicest Thing

You Can Have


One Of the Best Things

You Can be ... :)

Jun, 16 2010     109 chars (1 sms)     1869 views       Friendship

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One tree can start a forest,
One Smile can start Friendship ,
One touch can show luv n care,
& One friend like u can make life worth-living!
Minutes r small,Hrs are less,Days are short,
Months are few,Years r not enough to be with you,
i can take 10 more Briths if I get a cool friend like you
In The Heart
Are The Worst
Residents ...

1- They Capture
The Heart
(Qabza Group)

2- They Pay
No Rent

3- They Don''t
Vacant Easily

4- When They
The Place,
Is Broken
If two Hearts are Meant to be friends,no Matter How Long it

takes,How Far they Go,How Tuff it Seems,fact Will Bring them

together to Share Friendship 4ever
dosti hoti nahi bhool jane ke liye,
dost hote nahi bichhad jane ke liye,
dosti karke khush rahoge itna ki,
waqt nahi milega aansu bahane ke liye.
Remember, The Greatest Gift Is Not Found

In A Store Nor Under A Tree,

But In The Hearts Of True Friends.
Treat your life as a Sea,
your heart as a Seashore,
Friends like waves,
It never matters how many there are,
what matters is how many touch the seashore
yun rooth jana acha nahe lagta,
yun tarpna acha nahe lagta,
mairey dil main jo baat ha,
mairi aankhoon sey chura lo,
mujay har baat btana acha nahe lagta...
We have 26 LETTERS in English.
But before 1947, we had only 24 letters.

Do u know y ?

Bcoz ''U'' and ''I'' were not born at tat time... ;->
Fake / Real

Fake Frnz: Never Ask
For Food
Real Frnz: Are The
Reason You Have No

Fake Frnz: Never Seen
You Cry
Ral Frnz: Cry with You

Fake Frdz: Borrow Your
Stuff For Few Days
Thn Give It back
Real Frnz: Keep Your
Stuff So Long They
Forget Its Yourz

Fake Frnz: Knew Few
Things Abt You
Real Frnz: Could Write
A Book Abt You Wid
Direct Quotes From You

Fake Frnz: Are For
A While
Real Frnz: Are For Life ... (:
Tere dil ko sajayenge apne arman dekar,

tere labo ko hasayenge apni muskan dekar.

Dosti ki kasam tujhe kafan se bhi utha layenge

tere sharir me apni jaan dekar
F r I e N d S h I p

Is LiKe A bAnK aCcOuNt ...

YoU cAnNoT cOnTiNuE tO dRaW oN iT


MaKiNg DePoSiTs ... (=