Bhool jayen hum tujhe ye justuju karte rahe,,,,,,
Aur dil hi dil main teri aarzu karte rahe,,,,,,
Zindagi bhar aap ki khatir ye aankhe nam raheen,,,,,,
Zindagi bhar aansuon se hum wazoo karte rahe.......
After a quarrel, a wife said to
her husband, "You know, I was
a fool when I married you."
The husband replied, "Yes,
dear, but I was in love and didn''t notice." ;->
Sum Can Give U Crying Tears . . .
Many Others Can Give U Laughter, Smile . . .
But Only Few Can Give U
Laughing Tears n Crying Smiles . . .
Those Are Simply
FRRIENDS. . . :)