FRIENDSHIP is just lyk "H2o"
No colour
No shape
No place
No size
No money
No rich
No poor
Bt still essential 4 living & 4 forever.

Jun, 16 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     2118 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

To Meet A
Like You ...
Is Like ,
The Delight Of
After A Long
D.R.O.U.G.H.T ... :)
Dil Nu Lag Jaan Rog Tey Ki Kerye,
Kisi De Yaad Vich Ankhiyan Ron Te Ki Kerye,
Sanu Milian De Tamana Rehndi Hai Har Dam,
Par Je Yaar Hi Pul Jaan Te Ki Kerye.
~ A Frnd''z Prayer ~

May My Frndshp
Alwayz B
The Mst Imprtnt Thing
2 Me
Wid Special Frndz I Feel
Em Blessed
So Lemme Give My Best
I Wana Do Mch More
Thn Share
The Hopes N Plans Of
Frndz Who Care
Lemme Use My Heart 2 C
2 Realize Wht Frndz
Can B
& Make No Judgment
Frm Afar
Luv My Frnz D Way
They R ... (:
Friend ship is like a snow ball. Easy to make it but heart to keep it. Dil
I’m crying,
The tears are slowly going,
I’ve got a problem,
I can find a way out,
I’ve got a friend.
My friend has got a friend.
I’m a friend with my friend.
A friend is not a friend,
Without a friend,
That’s my friend,
My friend,
Who’s got a friend.
To have a lovely life;
Either, one must have a True Lover
Greater than All Friends,
Or, One must have a True Friend
who Really Cares,
More than a Lover...
When God open the windows of Heaven he saw me & asked
"what is ur wish 2 day?"
i said "Lord Take Care of the Dear One who is reading this SMS"!
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides it''s evils; strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

''S'' upport Us
''P'' ray 4 Us
''E'' ncourage Us
''C'' are 4 Us
''I'' nspire Us
''A'' dvise Us
''L'' ove Us

Hope We Remain
"SPECIAL" Always (:
I was never tired of this life and it''s not gonna matter if I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won''t let me hit the ground. Thanks for being around
Dekhi Hazaron Mehfilen,
Par Ye Fiza Kuch Aur Hai,
Jalwe Dekhe Hazaron
Par Unki Adaa Kuch Aur Hai,
Waise To Jaam Hain Hazaron,
Par Unki Dosti Ka Nasha Kuch Aur
der r ppl v talk nd laugh wid everyday
yet da frendship ends der
bt der r dose whom v rarely gt 2 talk nd meet
yet v knw dat dey r worth keeping