Frendship is nt da

Frendship is nt da
Frendship is nt da thing 2 hold ur hand when thousands r wid u...!


it iis dat trust
which hold ur hand when thousandz r against u..!

Jun, 16 2010     144 chars (1 sms)     2167 views       Friendship

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Good FRIENDS Care For Each Other..
Close Friends
Understand Each Other...
And TRUE Friends Stay
Beyond Words,
Beyond Time...**
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine
Friends R Like Films, Some R Musical,
Some R Romantic, Some R Adventurous,
Some R Comedy & Yet Others Are Tragedy,
But Very Few Like U R Oscar Winning.
In my dreams, we were never apart.
in my dreams you kept me close.
in my dreams you loved me the most.
in my dreams we''re always togather,
might as well be dreaming forever
In your darkest hour
when u r fedup and blue
just remember this
i''ll always be there 4 u
i m no angel and can''t change fate
but i''ll do anything coz your my MaTe. . .
My Friendship Means ...

A Little Heart That
Neva Hates

A Cute Smile That
Neva Fades

A Smooth Touch That
Neva Shakes


A Strong Relation That
Never Breaks :)
Friendship isn''t about "i m sorry"
its about "kamine teri ghalti hai"

Its not about "m here 4u"
its about "kahan hai kaminey"

Its not about "i understand"
its about "sab teri wajah se hua hai manhoos"

Its not about "i care 4u"
its about "kamino mujhe chor k kaha jaogey"

Its not about "im happy 4 ur success"
its about " chal beta party de... =P ;->
A Bond Of Luv,
Medal Of Trust,
Shouldr In Sadnes,
Hand In Darknes,
A Spl Relation 2hold,
A Ear Wer Secrts Can B Told
Is D Magic

Friends are like Colour Pencils..
They colour our lives,
I may not b your favourite colour,
But hope u''ll need me some where 2 complete your Picture....
F:Filed Of Love!
R:Root Of Joy!
I:Island Of GOD!
E:End Of Sorrow!
N:Name Of Hope!
D:Door Of Understanding!
Thats U my FRIEND
Trusting a friend should be like
the belief of a one year old child....
When you throw him in the air,
he laughs because he knows
you will catch him....
Birth is first of life,
beauty is art of life,
death is last of life,
friend ship is heart of life