Be more concerned with your character
than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation
is merely what others think you are.
I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are.
Be more concerned with your character
than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation
is merely what others think you are.
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow,
we must fail in order to know,
Sometimes our vision clears only after our
eyes are washed away with tears.