The art of living

The art of living
The art of living does not consist
in preserving and clinging
to a particular mood of happiness,
but in allowing happiness
to change its form without
being disappointed by the change;
for happiness, like a child,
must be allowed to grow up.

Jun, 15 2010     248 chars (2 sms)     2092 views       Inspirational

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While we have the gift of life

it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die

whether it is our spirit

our creativity


our glorious uniqueness.
Don''t Cry For Anything Because Tears In Our Eyes Will Spoil The Vision & We Can''t See Our Goal Clearly. So Always Smile And Accept The Things For Good Future. . .
Those Who
Try To Do Something

Are Infinitely
Better Than

Those Who
Try To Do Nothing
What is success ?

In simple..

Success is......

When your Signature becomes an Autograph
A Man Without Ambition Is Dead. . .

A Man With Ambition But No Love Is Dead. . .

A man with ambition and
Love For His Blessings Here On Earth
Is Ever So alive. . .
Look At The
Brightness Of The
Lamp ...
Not The Darkness
Underneath It ..
Optimism Isn''t A
Attribute, Its A Way
Of Life ... (:
Life never leaves u empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day! empty.

It always replaces everythng u lost!

If it asks u 2 put something down, it''s bcoz it wants u to pick up something better.

Gud Day!
Wen Kids Learn 2walk,They Keep Falling;

But 2 them Its Not Failing, It''s Learning.

So There''s Nothing Called Failure.

Everything Is A Learnig
Choose to love
rather than hate

Choose to smile
rather than frown

Choose to build
rather than destroy

Choose to persevere
rather than quit

Choose to praise
rather than gossip

Choose to heal
rather than wound

Choose to give
rather than take

Choose to act
rather than delay

Choose to forgive
rather than curse

Choose to pray
rather than despair . . .
ThaNks 2 tHosE wHo hAtEd mE,
tHey maDe mE a sTrOngeR pErson

tHX 2 tHos wHo luVd mE,
tHey maDe My hEart BigGer

tHx 2 tHos whO wOrrIed aBt mE,
tHey leT mE kNw DaT tHey aCtuaLlY CarEd

tHx 2 ThOs wHo lEft mE,
tHey sHoWed mE noT evRythnG laSts

tHx 2 thOs wHo eNtereD mY liFe,
There Are Two Eternities
That Can Really Break You Down


One Is Gone & The Other Doesn’t Exist

So Live Today . . . :->
To Talk With GOD
No Breathe Is Lost

To Walk With GOD
No Strength Is Lost

To Wait For GOD
No Time Is Lost


Trust In GOD
U''ll Never Be Lost