We Are All A Little

We Are All A Little
We Are All A Little Weird & Life''s A Little Weird
Annd When We Find Someone Whose Weirdness Is Compatible With Ours
We Join Up Them And Fall In Mutual Weirdness And Call It ''''LOVE''''

Jun, 12 2010     188 chars (2 sms)     2039 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Even if love is full of thorns, i''d stil
embrace it for i kno that in between those
thorns, there is a rose that''s WORTH all the
i"ve written you on the page of my heart,
reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul,
displayed you in the gallaries of my eyes
,this show how much i care...wow you are loved!
Forever is not a word rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there.
Best ever quote in "LOVE"
Some say
"Always Rremember Me"
Some Say
"Never 4get me"

But I Will Say..
"4get Me if U Really Can!"
This is my wish for you

Comfort On Difficult Days. . .
Smiles When Sadness Intrudes. . .
Rainbows To Follow The Clouds. . .
Laughter To Kiss Your Lips. . .
Sunsets To Warm Your Heart. . .
Hugs When Spirits Sag. . .
Beauty For Your Eyes To See. . .
Friendships To Brighten Your Being. . .
Faith So That You Can Believe. . .
Confidence For When You Doubt. . .
Courage To Know Yourself. . .
Patience To Accept The Truth. . .
Love To Complete Your Life. . .
The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person''s fingers could fill them in. Hope you''ll find your dream hand to hold you forever.
Love is the only thing u can''t control, once it is in your heart & soul.
U Know
1 & 1 Makes 2.

U Also Know
1 & 1 Makes 11.

Do U Know.
1 & 1 Makes 1 ???



Just Fall In Love.
If a raindrop would mean … I love you and you would ask me how much I love you , i bet you that it would rain all day !
Love is like a game of chess:
One false move and you''re mated.
Love the people who luv you


They like something in you, develop it
Luv the people who hate you because they hate something in you,
change it... |''!''|
YoU cAn ShOw Me ThE wAy
GiVe Me A sUnNy DaY
WhAt DoEs It MeAnS wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn TrAvEl FaR
If I cAn ToUcH tHe StArS
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE bEeN wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn FlY aWaY
If I cAn SaIl ToDaY
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE gOnE wItHoUt yOuR lOvE..