I have the

I have the
I have the "I",
I have the "L",
I have the "O",
I have the "V",
I have the "E",...
so pls can I have "U"?

Jun, 14 2010     111 chars (1 sms)     2075 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

My love, you know you are my best friend.

You know that I''d do anything for you

And my love, let nothing come between us.

My love for you is strong and true.

iS SuCh An

UnComFortAble fEEling

That EvEn A

Tiny Amount Of It

iS EnoUgh

To Ruin EvEry

I’ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you

I’ll be there for you
I’d live and I’d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can’t say what a love can do
I’ll be there for you
I Wish My Eyes Could
Speak What My Heart
Feels For You,
My Lips Can Lie On What
Is True, But
My Eyes Couldn''t
Even If I Close Them
I Could Still See You
All I have is time,
seconds turn to minutes,
minutes to hours,
hours turn to days...
No mater how long it takes I will wait for you..
True love is once in a lifetime,
true love is what I find in you..
I will wait another day, I will wait another month, even if the months turn into years...
You are worth the wait,
u are worth the tears,
and one day it will be time, that has to catch up with us..
Where Love Rules

There''s No Will TO Power


Where Power Predominates

There Love Is Lacking. The One Is The Shadow Of The Other
No genuine lover loves d face,they love the heart.

No heart falls in love by choice,its by chance.

No one stays in love by chance, its by faith..!
Sometimes You Don''t Realize How Much

You Care

For Someone,

Until They Stop Caring For You . . .
Love is like a missed-call
It stops before you catch it
But Friendship is like an "SMS"
It comes to you inbox and stay
Whenever you read it
It makes you happy
and this stay in your inbox until you delete it

Respect you friends
Some Love One , Some Love Two
U Dont Love Me But I Love U...... i m just for u my Love
few months ago i closed my eyes nd saw u in my dreams
i saw how carin n luvin u were a few days before
if dis is the way to c u close to me
then i wish my eyes would close forever......
Silly Thing About

When U Get ''Little'', U
Want ''More''

When U Get ''More'', U
''Desire More''


When U ''Loose'' It, U
Realize Even ''Little''
Was ''Enough''