"Wake Up With A Smile

"Wake Up With A Smile
"Wake Up With A Smile
Say A Quiet Little Prayer.
Give Everyone A Big Smile
Show The World You Care

Friends Make Life A Total Joy
Can Change Your Entire Day.
Cultivate Your Own Happiness
Chase Those Lousy Blues Away."

gUd MoRnInG

Jun, 08 2010     243 chars (2 sms)     2156 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Grass Is Shining With Morning Dew

Making The Day So Fresh And New

Hope The Joy Comes To Your Way

Best Wishes For The New Day

Gud Morning


Have A Pleasant Day =)
TIME alone can prove the worth of frienship..
as time goes by,v loose the false ones,
n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....
gud morning !!!!!
Even If Everybody Says..... !!


You Don''t Have A Chance,

Don''t Give Up Your Dreams ... !!

G o_O d
/\/\orning [=
Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of "GOOD MORNING"
wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with
a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
Sleeping time table 4 all :

Women : 6 hrs.

Men : 7 hrs.

Children : 9 hrs.

Fools : 10 hrs.





HELLO ur 10 hrs is over !
Get uP ;->

GuD MorninG
Gud Morning. . . .

The rising sun
age old
yet new and inspiring
lighting up the world
with its soft pink rays;
just watching the familiar hues
dance on the still water
I return to emotions
that never truly left.
Just as the sun sets
it rises again
wide arms embracing a new day.
(Aslam o Alikum),/,/,/,/,/"\,\,\,\,\,\

+* A *+
* NICE *
*+ Day *+ :-)
"GooD MorininG"
Those who joyfully leave everything in God"s hand will
eventually see God"s hand in everything. Worries end
where faith begins. Gud Day
Knock!!!Knock!!! May I come into ur world???i bring no flowers,
No cakes,But wishes to keep U fresh,Prayer to keep u healthy,
And love to keep u smiling...Good Morning....
On The Canvas Of Life . . .

We Often Go Of Colour . . .


As Long As

People Like U There To Add The Right Shades

Life Goes On To Be A


Gud Morning


Blessed Day . . . =)
Murawat Hi Sahi Par Ek Bat To Dil se Batao.

Waqai Masrof ho Ya Bhulana Chahty ho...!

Good Morningz....
A Big Hello &
Gud Morning2 My
Sweet Loving
Sugar-coated Choco
Milky Shaky Honey
Cheezy Melting
Orange Juicy Fruti
Spicy Icy Frnd
Have A Yummy Day ... (: