He didnt lyk d curry &
He didnt lyk my cake
He said my biscuits
were 2hard
Not lyk his mother
used 2 make
I didnt prepare
coffee rite
He didnt lyk the stew
I didnt mend his socks
d way his mother used 2
I pondered 4 an answer
I was looking 4 a clue
Isnt dere anything I
cud do 2 match his
mothers shoe?
Then I smiled as I
saw light
1 Thing I cud definitely
I turnd around &
slapped him tight
Just like his mother
used 2 ... ;->
Real Heart Touching Story "A b0y sent the most expensive bird that c0uld speak 40 languages as a birthday gift 2 his g.f. next day he asked about the gift. b.f:hows the bird??... g.f:very tasty:-)
''Two devils came in 2 my dreams.
They said,
“We want 2 disturb some good person.”
I suggest them your name.
They said,
“We cannot disturb our boss.”''