year SMS Messages495 messages

Are you still mine?
Cause there many...
Fantasies thoughts going through my head,
As all I do is think of you...
As I''ve hungered,
For your loving burning touch,
As I need your love so badly,
Now till the end of time,
I am waiting for you with open arms
To embrace you with wings of love,
To hold you deep within my soul,
To kiss you without control.
Just being near you,
And be able to behold your touch,
Takes me to another dimension,
But, time just moving so slowly,
To feel the heat of your passions.
I do want you to know...
I will always love you,
That you are all I have ever long for,
And crave, and yearn...
That you are the ANGEL of my dreams,
The one I have search all my life,
That every day, more and more,
I''m falling deeply in love with you!
MoM I LoVe YoU

Growing up you were so dear,
things to me you made so clear.
You clothed me with things to wear,
comfort you gave through the years.

Mother your love is sincere,
you taught me how to persevere.
To me now they do adhere,
no punishment too severe.

Mom I love you, never to stray,
I have taken in your loving way.
I bless you mother as I pray
love you
and i tried 3 years but i..
i need sometime to be for real
and i know its killing you
to be without me now
it was bound to happen sometime

i just hate to be the one
to break your heart and tear your world apart
it feels bad but feels good
watching you away from me
i dont wanna hurt yah!
its for our own goodd
i miss you and i love you goodbye..
On your knee, in the lamplight,
dipping buttered toast in your coffee,
I hear the hush of the silent house.
The other children gone off to school,
you and I sit together
alone in the dim morning light,
full of love and trust,
chattering to one another about
simple times with unfurrowed brows.
We were so close then.
I hold that memory in my mind
like an old black and white photograph
one would carry in a wallet, worn soft
from years of riding in a back pocket,
a photo
showing the ones you love,
the most beautiful mother,
the best loved and dearest held,
the treasured one--
to be shown far from home.

I treasure sweet old memories
As the time goes swiftly by
A few bring smiles of happiness
And some tears to the eye

They all r precious in their way
Reopening the door of old
That have been shut these many years
What pictures they unfold

These dear old, sweet old memories
All play their special part
In bringing joy and opening up
The latch strings of the heart ... (:->
-=-Nothing Last Forever-=-

Life is just a game
You hold your own weight
Make your own mistakes
You only get one chance
To show who you are

Live day by day
year by year
Your heart aches
You don''t know who are you
Falling in love hurts
But you can''t live with out it

Lay your life down
Give your heart away
Let yourself fall so deep
You give up everything
For ''''Trust'''' n ''''Love''''

Nothing Last Forever
Hold on to what you have
Don''t let go ...
Genius Is A Person Who Can Do In 1 Day

What Any Fool Can Do In 100 Days

Just As

We Complete Sylabus In A Day B4 Exam,

While D Faculty Take 1 year
FlirtIng Is The OnlY Job In The World ThAt We CannoT IncluDe In OuR CV...

DespiTe Of hAving years Of ExpEriEncE anD numbEr Of ReffErenCes.. ;)
Minutes r small,Hrs are less,Days are short,
Months are few,years r not enough to be with you,
i can take 10 more Briths if I get a cool friend like you
True friends are like mornings,
u cant have them the whole day,
but u can be sure,
they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow,
next year and forever.
Its not an achievement to make 1000"s friends in a year,
but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000"s years.
Its not an achievement to make 1000"s friends in a year,
but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000"s years.