True friends are

True friends are
True friends are like mornings,
u cant have them the whole day,
but u can be sure,
they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow,
next year and forever.

Jun, 17 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     2109 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Fake / Real

Fake Frnz: Never Ask
For Food
Real Frnz: Are The
Reason You Have No

Fake Frnz: Never Seen
You Cry
Ral Frnz: Cry with You

Fake Frdz: Borrow Your
Stuff For Few Days
Thn Give It back
Real Frnz: Keep Your
Stuff So Long They
Forget Its Yourz

Fake Frnz: Knew Few
Things Abt You
Real Frnz: Could Write
A Book Abt You Wid
Direct Quotes From You

Fake Frnz: Are For
A While
Real Frnz: Are For Life ... (:
Nahin pata tha ki zindagi mein
Aapsa bhi koi dost aayega....
Lekin agar Khuda ne bakshi Zindagi dobara
Toh aapki kasam vapas yeh dil aapki hi dosti ko chaahega
Never Walk Away From
A True Friend When
U C Some Faults . . .

B Patient & Realize
That NoBody Is
Perfect . . .

It''s Affection That Matter,
Not Perfection . . .
Treat your life as a Sea,
your heart as a Seashore,
Friends like waves,
It never matters how many there are,
what matters is how many touch the seashore
"A friend loves you, makes you feel alright, troubles are not troubles when you talk,

listen and accept you as you are, because you will feel the same and love the same......."
Friendship is a language spoken by heart...
not written on paper, not given by pledge...
it is a promise renewed everytime we keep in touch...Take Care...
feeling is a painting never spoil it,
face is abook try to read it,
love is precious never lose it,
friendship is a mirror never break it,
Make new friend
remember the old
these are silver
those are gold
"frdshp is the meldy"and fragrance of life
"frdshp is a beautiful part of life
"frdshp is a beautiful flower
"life without frndshp is nothing
"many are the name applied to frndshp
but where youth and beauty enter in
there frndshp is rightly called love
and held to be the fairest of god
"S T A Y"

Is A Charming Word

In A

Friend''s Vocabulary ...

"Stay In Touch" ... (:
A Friend Is One Who
Advise You To Study


A Best Friend Is One
Who Stands In
Examination Hall n Says

"Abay Kitna Likhega?
Larkiya''n Ja Rahi Hyn" ;->
KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one.
U sacrifice A lot To keep them.
I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u...
tbut in my HEART I swear I"m keeping U..
Don''t believe your friends when they ask you to be honest with them. All they really want is to be maintained in the good opinion they have of themselves