wish SMS Messages675 messages

I''m not supposed to love you,
I''m not supposed to care,
I''m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I''m not supposed to wonder where you are
or what you do...
I''m sorry I can''t help myself,
I''m in love with you.”
|. . . A HearT ToUchINg ThOuGht . . .|

In The Silence Of Night. . .
I Have Often wished For Just A Few Words Of Love From A Person. . .
Rather Than The Applause Of Thousands Of People. . . .
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

Alexander the Great in his death bed said:
‘‘My last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin‘‘
I wish people to know that
‘‘I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world
Expect Less From Life And You Would Be The Happiest Person In The World
If You Don’t Get What U wished For, You Would Not Get Agreived
& If You Get It You Would Get What You Didn’t Expect
There are always 3 speeches, for every one you actually gave.

The one you practiced,

The one you gave,


The one you wish you gave.
There are always 3 speeches, for every one you actually gave.

The one you practiced,

The one you gave,


The one you wish you gave.
It''s not good for all of our wishes
to be fulfilled. Through sickness,
we recognize the value of health;
through evil, the value of good;
through hunger, the value of food;
through exertion, the value of rest.
Do not make ur aim like the garden

because everyone walk on it

But make ur aim like

the sky so everyone

wish to touch it.
Why A Car''s WindScreen is So Big
But Rear View Mirror So Small?
Bcoz ur Past isn''t As important As ur Future!
So Look Ahead & Move On!
wish U A Happy Future.
If things r happening
according to ur wish
u r lucky
But if they r not
u r very lucky
Bcoz they r hapning
according to Gods wish
Rain Is A Wonderful Oppoutinity
To Pray
To Love
To Care
To Share
To Enjoy
To Thank Allah For All His Blessings We
wish U
Happy Rainy Season
Rain is a wonderful opportunity

To love

To care

To share

To enjoy


To thank God 4 all His blessings we receive