silence SMS Messages102 messages

When U Like Someone And When They R Not With U,

U Feel U Must Talk To Them,

Convey Them U Miss Them A Lot

But All These Feelings Are Expressed As Tears.

But When U Really See Them,

U Dont Talk,U Remain Silent.

Its The Place Where silence Speaks

More Than Words.
I Chose To Love You
In silence
For In silence I Find
No Rejection

I Chose To Love You
In our Loneliness
For In Your Loneliness
No One Owns You , But Me
When We Want To Talk

More Than Usual To
Our Dearest,

Sometimes We Can''t
Even Say Single Word,

Just The silence

" ... I Love You ..." :)
One Nite A Girl And Boy Were Going In The Car

There Was Complete silence

Both Of Them Stayed Quiet For Long

The Girl Then Gave Him A Chit.Boy B4 Reading It Told The Girl

(Wid Embarassing Expressions)

Dat He Wants 2 Leave Her As He Is Losing His Interest In Her

Then Suddenly An Over Speeded Car Collided

With Their Car

Girl Died N The Boy Survived

When The Boy Opened The Chit

He Droppd A Tear Coz

It Was Written

Every tear is a sign of brokeness,
every silence is a sign of lonliness,
every smile is a sign of kindness,
every sms is a sign of remembrance
i miss u
Hundred words doesnt give pain

but,a Special Person''s silence

makes more tears in heart.

So,always keep in touch.
Face Test:
Q # 1:- What do you find on my Face:-
a) silence?
b) Innocence?
c) Proud?
d) Softness?
Q # 2:- Which 1 is the Most Attractive:-?
a) Eyes?
b) Smile?
c) Lips?
d) Hair?
Q # 3:- What is the 1st Impression that you got from My Face:-
a) Cute?
b) Smart?
c) Attitude?
d) Intelligent?
Reply Must if you are my Friend..?
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself
and know that everything in life has a purpose."
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926 -)
"God is the friend of silence.
See how nature-trees, flowers, grass-grows in silence;
see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...
We need silence to be able to touch souls."
-Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
Successful People Always
Have 2 Things In Their Lips,
Smile & silence.!
Keep Always
All The Best
|. . . A HearT ToUchINg ThOuGht . . .|

In The silence Of Night. . .
I Have Often Wished For Just A Few Words Of Love From A Person. . .
Rather Than The Applause Of Thousands Of People. . . .
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

The First Step In The Acquisition Of Wisdom Is silence. .
The Second Listening. . .
The Third Memory. . .
The Fourth Practice. . .
The Fifth Teaching Others . . .